where can I find a mapping between Refinitiv Exchange Codes to Market identifier codes (MIC) & Se...
...rvice Names to refinitiv Exchange Codes Example of one such us NSI -> XNSE? Any links for any xls/csv or anyway to extract this data using Java? Example: NEO Exchange NEO-D for NEO-listed securities -----> ???? exchange code
Currency code mapping on RIC search
Hi all - I would like to know where I can find the currency code mapping that is shown in the RIC search such as C:1M
Which REST API provides Daily Exchange Rate Data like From Currency, To Currency, Exchange Rate a...
Which REST API provides Daily Exchange Rate Data like From Currency, To Currency, Exchange Rate and Exchange Date
Market identifier codes
Hi there, I am using TRTH API to retrieve tick history for equity names. For each trade, I want to have the venue where the trade occurred. Can you please show me which field I should look at? I see "Trade - Exchange/Contributor ID" only. But the field doesn't return MIC but some code I cannot recognize. Is there a field…
How to retrieve full lists of all exchange codes and index RICs?
Hi, I wish to know how to retrieve the full lists of all exchange codes and index RICs using the EIKON DATA API. In other words, how to retrieve all the unique values in the fields TR.ExchangeMarketIdCode and TR.PriceMainIndexRIC. Thank you.
Power Exchanges Prices Instrument codes
I need to find the instrument codes of power exchanges prices? I cannot find where they are listed in the Energy Power Spot Hourly window. Can I get help with that?
Understand current contributing venues to a composite RIC
Hi team, Is there a way where I can identify all the RICs that contribute to the composite exchange? Something like a API call with an input and gets me a desired list of venues (exchanges) Thank you
API Code to Filter data using Exchange Code
Hello, My client is using TRTH REST API, with the below code he is trying to extract Historical Reference Data using SEDOL, he would like to further filter his result to only to a specific exchange. Could you please help me with the filtering option. { "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type":…
RIC Exchange Suffix
Is there a file (text, csv, etc), that provides a list of all RIC exchange suffixes ? There are pages EXCHID01, however need to scroll through and parse. If there is a reference file available, that will help. Thanks....//DZ
EIKON API - Composite formula timeseries
I'd like to download a composite time series usiing the EIKON Api . For example (3*LCOc1 - 2*CLc1). ¨what is the syntax that I have to use for the "get_timeseries" command ?
What is the difference between the exchange codes ".F" and "=F"?
Im trying to get some quote data for various certificates, i.e A2M07X and DZ8TEH. In order to receive the data I use the Eikon Python API, especially the function get_data, where I create the RIC by transforming the SIN, i.e. from A2M07X to DEA2M07X.F. However, I do not know when to use ".F" and when to use "=F". What is…
get more data field on tick data of ek.get_timeseries()?
Hi, I am using ek.get_timeseries(['AAPL.O'],interval='tick',start_date='2018-05-08T13:35:01',end_date='2018-05-08T13:40:01') which will return every trade with price and volume, is there way to get more data field for each trade, say exchange code or condition code? Thanks a lot.
XBO Composite Quote Exchange Origin
Hi, when receiving feeds for XBO symbols, is there a way to tell the original Exchange that sends the bid/ask, or the bid/ask is also XBO composite so Exchange info is not available? We saw quote updates, for example, LRDGBP.xbo, either one entry of: BIDSIZE 1096 or entry of the following: ASKSIZE 22932 MID_PRICE 151.875…
Is there a way to get exchange id/name from RIC or subscription code before receiving messages?
Hi, We are using Reuters Elektron EMA C++. Is there a way to get the exchange code/id/name from RIC or the subscription code like (ESU7) before registering the consumer for the refresh and update callbacks at run time? I know that you can get the exchange code/id in the refresh message (received via the callback) as the…
how to get a list of all exchanges for a single cusip or sedol?
Using DSS rest api v. 2 how to get a list of all exchanges for a single cusip or sedol?