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Client use a third-party service between the bridge (PrimeXM) and LSEG. This service essentially handles messages between the bridge and Refinitiv LP and converts them to a common language called ‘FIX-based’. For example, taking 'market data request' type messages from Refinitiv - "give me a ticking feed for Bid/Ask/etc…
Hi I'm getting the quote request on the FIX session for 2W fwd EUR/USD:…
Hi 35=AB for swap contains incorrect prices: 8=FIX.4.4|9=998|35=AB|...|11=140745187-OTD|131=140745187|31984=0|31985=0|146=1|55=EUR/USD|31022=Y|31994=5|31995=3|30379=7|30381=2|30382=2|167=FXSWAP|38=0.00|15=EUR|40=D|9240=N|25044=LEIACCT1012345678900|31345=N|31344=DEAL|...| 555=2|…
Hi I'm sending requests using QuickTrade: OneWay request: 8=FIX.4.4|9=586|35=R|49=...|56=...|34=3|52=20220819-12:08:46.768|131=137505799|31984=0|31985=0|146=1|55=EUR/USD|31022=Y|31994=5|31995=3|30379=7|30381=2|30382=2|54=1|167=FXSPOT|31992=2|9234=N|1913=1|15=EUR|9240=N|453=3|...| 555=1|…
Hi Seems like there is an issue with multi-allocation spot request: net side is Buy, and second allocation has opposite direction to the net FIX request is:…
How does Cash RFQ FIX work? Where can I find more information?
Cash RFQ - What order types are available?
What has to be done?
Appreciate your insight on this...
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