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How can I query Market Holiday API with time rage (e.g. for this year and next year) in websocket API? Using this request message: { "ID": 2, "Streaming": false, "Key": { "Name": [ "US/HOLIDAY", "FR/HOLIDAY", "DE/HOLIDAY" ], "Service": "IDN_RDF" } } This returns only messages for current year but I need data for next year…
Hi, When I try to get data for the instrument <DOLc1> it is returning data for non-trading days. I tried using Python Datastream module: ds.get_data(tickers='<DOLc1>', fields=['PS'], freq='D', start='2021-01-01") This will return, e.g., data for 2021-01-25, which was a holiday in Sao Paulo and the exchange was closed. My…
I tried to get the Holiday List using Eikon API in Python but no help, can we get in Python pandas dataframe so that we can use it and play with it ? Please see attached my query in python script.
Hello, with this request in Excel using PI#S and DN (A2 = S&PCOMP ticker): =@DSGRID(Data!$A$2,"X(PI#S)","2021-12-31","","DN","RowHeader=true;ColHeader=true;DispSeriesDescription=false;YearlyTSFormat=false;QuarterlyTSFormat=false;AutoRefresh=false","") I am able to pull the S&P 500 last value excluding holidays (dates). How…
Hello All, is it possible to pull the list of holidays for given RIC ex: RIC INGLH2:NS i want to pull all the 2022 holidays from RT. below is the snapshot of data i want to pull. Note: I am not interested in country holidays.
Hi, A market holiday call via Websocket API has a returning response with holiday dates for current year. When will the API switch to returning data for next year and what timezone should I refer to? E.g. I need to schedule a job that somehow gets the proper holiday dates for next year: Can I schedule it before 1st of Jan?…
Hi, We are looking to monitor a specified set of RICs if rates don't come in for a specified amount of time. However, we want to exclude holidays for this purpose. Is there a Java API to get holiday calendar for thios purpose? Any help would be appreciated
I'm using Economic Monitor app within Eikon to get Market Holidays, as shown in this screenshot. Since I'm not interested in every holiday that would cause a Full day closure/Partial day closure for every country, I would like to know if I can filter only for the countries I'm interested in. Is there a way to do this?…
Hi, How can I get Market Holidays using Eikon for Excel?
I know EIKON has "HOL" app, and Eikon Excel also can get market holidays. Could you let me know how to download each countries' market holidays in Python API? <sample> holidays, err = ek.get_data(instruments=['US', 'JP'], fields=['TR.marketholiday'], parameters={'SDate': '2019-01-01', 'EDate': '2019-12-31'}
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