Eikon messenger API
I am currently working on a project that requires extracting discussions from different group chats in Eikon Messenger using Python. To proceed, I need the following information and credentials: Eikon Data API AppKey Messenger Bot API credentials (bot_username, bot_password, messenger_appkey) Additionally, I would…
Messenger Bot API Password reset
Hello, I am trying to authenticate a new bot which was provisioned a few months ago via the `https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/beta1/token` gateway. I am getting error message: `{"error":"access_denied" ,"error_description":"Invalid username or password." }` Is there a way I can reset the bot password? I believe this…
How to get access to use https://api.refinitiv.com/messenger/beta1
Hello I have a bussines requirement to get some data from chats that are in here: [Eikon Messenger Platform](https://collab.platform.refinitiv.com/eikonmessenger). So I want to create an application that will be able to get messages exchanged in provided chatroom to extract some data from these. I was looking at your…
Messenger BOT password rotation
Hi, I'm looking information of Messenger BOT API, is there a REST API service or another way to reset the password of a BOT account? We need to implement a password rotation process for a customer. Thank you in advance.
How to permanently remove Refinitiv Messenger chatbot from chatrooms?
Hi, The bot we are using was added to many chatrooms in the past, and some of them are no longer in use. Is there any way we can get the bot removed from these chatrooms so that they no longer appear when we call the list_chatrooms method (in the example bot API) ? Thanks and regards, Keng Onn
How to permanently remove Refinitiv Messenger chatbot from managed chatrooms?
Hi, I am able to remove the chatbot from bilateral chatrooms using the URL below (as instructed by the BOT Messenger API documentation) https://api.refinitiv.com/messenger/beta1/chatrooms/{chatroom_id}/participants /remove where chatroom_id is "groupchat-XXXXX". But I am unable to do so for managed chatrooms using this…
How to receive notification when chatbot is greyed out (but still green) ?
Hi, Recently, our user found that our chatbot was disconnected from one of the chatrooms it was supposed to be monitoring. The strange thing was that the icon was green, but the chatbot name itself was greyed out. See screenshot below: In contrast, when the chatbot is connected, it looked like this: The strange thing was…
Not authorized for API access when getting invites
Hi there, My bot is able to login, retrieve the WS stream, establish a WS connection and receive messages posted on the web eikonmessenger. It also receive chat room invitations such as…
Bad Account Credentials
I need to access to Bot api via websocket, but it seems that my profil was created with the bad credentials, in fact i need developer credentials. the result for my curl command is {"error":"invalid_client" ,"error_description":"Invalid Application Credential." } * what can i do to fix this issue ? thanks for your help
Chat bot is having issue connecting to web circuit
Hi Team, need help in knowing as to why chat bot is not able to connect to websocket using the trace below ====================== 2023-02-07 16:19:42,358 - INFO - stdout - write - Connecting to WebSocket wss://api.collab.refinitiv.com/services/nt/api/messenger/v1/stream ... 2023-02-07 16:19:42,389 - DEBUG - websocket -…
Login into AppKey Generator
Hi we are trying to login into https://amers1.apps.cp.thomsonreuters.com/apps/AppkeyGenerator but is not successful and we don't receive the Welcome Email, we are trying the same account and password that we are using to login in Eikon Messenger. This account needs and special permission, we need to create an AppKey…
Messenger Bot API server connection issues
Hi, I've found that I occasionally get server connection issues when trying to refresh the authentication token every five minutes. 2022-11-02 11:56:32.157+0100 root : USER: INFO refreshing authentication token. 2022-11-02 11:56:46.622+0100 root : USER: ERROR RDP authentication result failure: 500 Internal Server Error…
Connection to remote host is lost when using Eikon Messenger Bot API (WebSocket)
Hello, I need your help. I am using the python demo script for the Eikon Messenger API to listen in a chatroom. Unfortunately, the connection to the remote host is lost after a certain time every time. Is it the WebSocket service or threading in Python or am I getting kicked out by Refinitiv? Thanks.
Receive messages from my Eikon Messenger (python)
Is there a way to receive messages (of my personal account) from Eikon Messenger desktop app with python ?
how to change language of Refinitiv Workspace (Messenger)
Hello, Is it possible for a user to change the language of Refinitiv Workspace (Messenger) like from English to Spanish or Polish?