Filtering news articles by subject qcode
I am trying to filter news articles received via Refinitiv News Archive service based on presence of subject qcodes. For example, I have a news article with a headline of "INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG <IFXGn.DE> SHARES DOWN 4.5% IN EARLY FRANKFURT TRADE AFTER RESULTS", which I do NOT need to see. This article has a total of 34…
Regarding NEWS URLs via Python API
Hi, I am trying to retrieve the news regarding companies (based on RIC inputs) but I have the following concerns, I need help in order to get them sorted. 1) I am getting same news items (headlines) from multiple source codes. How do I ensure I get only unique news headline and not the repeated ones. (IMG1 attached) 2) I…
Extract News Title and Story for the past year (E.g. AAPL.O/ 005930.KS)
Hi Team, noted there is some example under codebook for News and News Metadata. What if I want to extract the past one year record for all the news related to a stock including both title and story. May I know how can I conduct the api code? You may use AAPL.O or 005930.KS as an example.
Can I pull the stories from News Alerts in Codebook?
Hi, this question is regarding the Codebook (Python 3 console). Using the news.get_story function, is there a way to pull specific headlines from my News Alerts, without the need for manually inputting the topics, sources, and filters into the parameters of said code?
get_news_headline and quotation marks
hi there! im trying to use the get_news_headlines function to pull out headlines for a list of entities. The list if entities are saved on to a txt. file saved locally on my computer. As an example, my txt file contains the name "SINGAPORE AEROSPACE MANUFACTURING PTE LTD". While running the get_news_headlines function, I…
How do i get the data for top news without specifying the RICs I want.
I'm hoping to obtain the top news data from Refinitiv through API/python. Im basing my code on the example provided in the Codebook under News. How do i get the data for top news without specifying the RICs want. this is my current code: rd.open_session() dNow = datetime.now().date() maxenddate = dNow - timedelta(days=7)…
getting news with specific topics
Hello, I'm using Python with ek.get_news_headlines to get news from Eikon API I would like to ask if I want to get the news related to some specific topics (economics, finance, banking), is it the right query? "Language:EN in Australia AND (Topic:Economic or Topic:Finance or Topic:Economy or Topic:Banking or Topic:Politics…
Filtering ECB-Related News from News Archive in Pandas DataFrame
Message: Hello, I am currently working on filtering a large dataset containing Reuters news from the past 20 years, which I've loaded into a Pandas DataFrame. The dataset has over 2 million news records, sourced monthly from an SFTP server. My objective is to isolate news items related to the European Central Bank (ECB)…
Most Read News API(PresetTopic:[Significant Economic News])
How to get the Most Read News Headline Specific Topic:Siginificant Economic News? This is my code Another document says to use M:1RS if you want to receive the most read news, but it doesn't work. And I want to get a specific topic like siginificant economic news that like the attached picture. How do I fix the code if I…
Python API Eikon Refinitiv does not bring the latest new id
Hello Team, I am using the following code to get news from eikon refenitiv, but it is retrieving just the old news. df_news = ek.get_news_headlines(query='CRF: Carbon', count=10) story_id = df_news.loc[df_news['text'].str.contains('CRF: Carbon EUA daily outlook')]['storyId'][0] # Show the news in HTML format top_news_story…
unmatched N2000 news topic
Hi, I'm trying to match N2000 news topic code (prefixed by N2:) in 'subject' filed to topic definitions in my news code dictionary. However, I find that some N2000 codes are not included in the news code dictionary provided by Refinitiv. For example, N2: TEL appears in a news subject filed, but there is no 'TEL' in the…
RDP RICs and Topics codes
We are using the RDP stories API to retrieve stories with the following call: GET https://api.refinitiv.com/data/news/v1/stories/{storyId} We then read the field "subject" and "assert" to find the subjects of the story, and have the following questions: * Is it safe to make use of the news2000 codes with the prefix "N2:"?…
MRN News Chinese language filter
We found that the language codes of Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese in the news message are both 'zh' . Is there any way to distinguish these two languages? Client uses EMA with LPC to get streaming news from RTO.
How would I able to get whole lists of the Topic code or code library from the API Playground ? I...
... need is the list of the News Topic Code for the News In EDP. @kenzhang @cammyaragasi