RIC <MRN_STORY> We are getting streamed articles for the Swedish language, but not for English
Hi team, RIC <MRN_STORY> We are getting streamed articles for the Swedish language, but not for English We have verified that both the TREP servers and the application are receiving the same articles, all in Swedish (SV) as the language. Additionally, there is only one client subscription code configured on the application…
MRN EMA API field ErrorCode="FieldIdNotFound"
After switching from PROD RTDS to UAT RTDS, started to showing error ErrorCode="FieldIdNotFound". Tried to switch from hosted dictionary file to local dictionary file by configuring in config file, but issue persists. from the attached log file, it shows Text: Missing, unreadable or empty file configuration,…
Retrieving MRN News
Hello, I was going through this article on retrieving MRN news using Python. If the program is behind our organization Firewall and Proxy, is there any other additional pre-requisite that we need to take note of? EG: Opening firewall and etc.…
Problem accessing MRN via SFTP using Python
I've been following this tutorial to access the MRN news using python. The ssh authentication and connection using the Machine ID is successful, but the output of sftp.listdir() is leading to a file not found error. What could be the reason for this error? Thanks in advance
Using MRN EMA Samples but encounter error ErrorCode="FieldIdNotFound"OmmErrorEnd
Using MRN EMA Samples but encounter error ErrorCode="FieldIdNotFound"OmmErrorEnd EMA MRN download via https://github.com/LSEG-API-Samples/Article.EMA.Java.MRN/tree/master
Urgent!!!News archive access failed
Urgent!!! Hi team, client is having an issue connecting to mrn archive host archive.news.refinitiv.com. I've attached error message and could you help with the reason? I tried Filezilla connection is fine. Thanks team.
Connect to mrn archive host via Python
Hi team, I'm trying to use below codes to connect to our archive.news.refinitiv.com host but encountered the error below. pysftp.Connection(host='archive.news.refinitiv.com', username='GE-xxxxxxx', password='xxxxxx') ERROR: No hostkey for host archive.news.refinitiv.com found. May I know what's the reason for that and how…
Convert MRN news JSON content to CSV
I am planning to download MRN news via Refinitiv SFTP. i need to convert it into CSV. Can you provide a sample using Python on how to do this?
rdp news api how to get data in raw
Hi team, i was trying to use refinitiv.dataplatform to get news data using below code. import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp rdp.open_platform_session( 'appkey', rdp.GrantPassword( username = 'id', password = 'pwd*' ) ) html_story = rdp.get_news_story('urn:newsml:reuters.com:20230714:nL8N390167:3') But in html_story, i was…
python sample code for rdp api fetching news analytics
Hi team, where can i find sample python code to fetch news analytics from RDP using rdp api? I'm also confused about the python library since we have refinitiv.dataplatform, refinitiv.data and refinitiv.data-platform, which is the correct one for rdp api? And do we have detailed tutorial regarding the fileds for all…
MRN archive host connection failed
Hi team, my client is using java to connect mrn archive host archive.news.refinitiv.com, but got the error java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect, shown in the screenshot below. Any idea how to resolve it? Thank you.
What is the hostname for MRN using websockets API
I am using this hostname amer-1-t3.streaming-pricing-api.refinitiv.com and these mrn_domain = 'NewsTextAnalytics' mrn_item = 'MRN_STORY'
Machine Readable News api: news classification
Hi team, one of our clients is using MRN api to feed news into their own system. Currently the news can only be classified by company (like CUSIP or ISIN), they're asking whether our MRN can be classified based on industry or not?
MRN WebSocket A18: Unknown service
Hi! I use example of application from https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/creating-websocket-mrn-story-viewer-using-net-core-and-wpf article. I cloned repository (https://github.com/Refinitiv-API-Samples/Example.WebSocketAPI.CSharp.MRNWebSocketViewer) and trying to run application. As far as I…
MRN News Chinese language filter
We found that the language codes of Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese in the news message are both 'zh' . Is there any way to distinguish these two languages? Client uses EMA with LPC to get streaming news from RTO.