Workspace is able to recognize specific SEDOLs but api fails
Hi, if you search 6195739 (sedol code), you'll get Chubu Steel Plate Co Ltd on Workspace; However, if I use rd.get_data(universe=['6195739'], fields=['TR.PriceClose']) it returns RDError: Error code -1 | Unable to resolve all requested identifiers in ['6195739']. However, if I use the corresponding RIC code: 5461.T, and…
Historical Search using .NET SDK API
I'm using the C# .NET API to query Tick History / DSS. Can you show me the API for Historical Search for an instrument where I can search by SEDOL code? Thanks
How to deal with stocks that changed their names in DSWS
I’ve got an issue where I can’t return these DataStream datapoints for changed Sedols (due to corporate actions), could you help? So, for example, RBS.L (sedol B7T7721) was a ticker on the LondonStockExchange, but around 21/Jul/2020 I it changed to NWG.L (sedol BM8PJY7) When I run the DataStream with the old sedol for a…
Extracting data from Datastream R API using Sedol
Hi, I am using an R API call to extract historic returns from the datastream API from a dataframe of Sedols and Dates. The API call works perfectly for ISIN's however for this dataset I only have Sedols. I have noticed that the call only works on numeric Sedols and not alpha numeric Sedols. I don't have a country code so…
Can i use SEDOL from refinitiv to Datastream Request Table?
Hello, i want to retrive IPO data using SEDOLs obtained from refinitiv worskpace to a datastream request table. Using the SEDOL does not work. However, i found that if i use the UK prefix i can exctract data. Is this correct. And why?
Retrieve mapping of inactive SEDOLS to Organization Perm ID
Hi, I am looking to get a mapping of inactive SEDOLs to the organization Perm ID. I can see the /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup API is able to map identifiers to Organization PermID but for inactive SEDOLs, it requires one to pass in an effectivedate parameter? Is there any way to retrieve a list of all inactive SEDOLS in…
Resolve RICs from multiple SEDOLs
I have an application that snapshots thousands of equities from the RFA API. I don't always have the most up-to-date RIC and would like to resolve these from a SEDOL. From answers in the portal, it seems the only way to do this is by leveraging some of the Reuters RESTful APIs. I've found that this code both works and is…
Get the Isin, Sedol or Cusip from a Ric with DSS APi
Hi I am trying to get the Isin, Sedol or Cusip from a Ric with the DSS API but the result is empty: The query is: { "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest", "ContentFieldNames": [ "RIC", "ISIN", "Currency Code", "Exchange Code",…
No best_match available for SEDOLs mapping to ETF RICS
Hi I am using the python function get_symbology and attempting to map a list of SEDOLs to RICs. However, it appears that ETF RICs have not been mapped to their composite RIC to facilitate a best_match. By contrast, attempting to map a SEDOL to a ticker, CUSIP, ISIN, etc. for the same instruments results in a successful…
Trying to extract RICS from SEDOLS - getting an issue with B3DJ5K9.
Trying to extract RICS from SEDOLS using ek.get_data('B3DJ5K9', "TR.RIC") but this is not giving back a RIC. This should give me back the RIC: LP68175987? Attached is a screenshot. ric-issue.png
symbology (sedol to ric)
I am getting 'No best match available' on many sedols although I can get Rics using excel plugin =TR('BWY54W4','TR.RIC') Any suggestions? -------------------------------------- code to reproduce ------------------- import eikon as ek import pandas as pd sedols = ['BWY54W4','B17MT31','BD60093'] data=ek.get_symbology(sedols,…
Please, list REST APIs which I can use to find a RIC by SEDOL (or ISIN), currency and exchange on...
... a specific date Please, list REST APIs which I can use to find a RIC by SEDOL (or ISIN), currency and exchange on a specific date. The date is recent, typically today, but I need to be able to filter out RICs which used to be associated with a SEDOL in the past, but are not associated with this SEDOL on this date.…
Eikon .Net Symbology API does not return SEDOL
Hi, We are making a request to the Eikon symbology API almost exactly as per the example in the "Tutorials/Symbology" section here: Symbology Tutorial. The only exception is that we are requesting a RIC rather than an ISIN. When we use RICS such as "A", "HD" and "AAPL.O", the data returned does not include a SEDOL.…
Retrieving panel data- where can I find documentation on syntax and values?
Hi all, I have a list of SEDOLs that I need to get time series data for. I know that I can convert the sedols into RICs and use that as an array, but I can't figure out how to get multiple values in the get_timeseries function and the appropriate names to use to get values. For example, I know I can use "Close" to get…
How to pass the other Identification code apart from RIC like CUSIP, Sedol & ISIN in the below co...
...de --> consumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("IDN_RDF").name("/AAV.TO").interestAfterRefresh(false), appClient); for the name paramter? @wasin.w / @steven.peng