I added some Cases to the tab Cases Manager, now I'm waiting to see if I'm going to receive any notification.
I flagged all cases as ongoing = true and I configured it to run the notification daily, is there something more that I need to do?
And what exactly defines the endpoint ongoingScreeningUpdates should return to me an updated result? For example, if I have a Case and inside of this Case I have a specific entity which the Column Updated Date changed the value to today, then if I run the action tomorrow am I going to receive the id of this case which is correlated to this entity?
I'm reading this documentation: https://developers.refinitiv.com/content/dam/devportal/en_us/product-docs/wc1-api/documentation/v2/schema-reference/wc1-api-schema-reference-documentation.html#tag/case/operation/getOngoingScreeningUpdates, but I didn't find anything about which triggers this endpoint to return value inside the JSON field "results".
Is there another documentation that discusses more in-depth this action? because this endpoint will be the most important to my system.