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Validation Options not working for RIC Search request - DSS API.

Hi Team,

I cannot add "AllowHistoricalInstrument" validation option to my Postman DSS API request message. I get error: "Malformed request payload: Syntax error at Line 19, Char 0: expected valid json value ".

Can you please help out? I have attached screenshot of my request,API error Dec.png

Thank you,


api-error-dec.png (24.1 KiB)
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Hi @Lukasz Ossowski ,

Thank you for your patience and sorry for the confusion caused by the previous comment. Unfortunately, the option is not available in the Instrument Search as checked in DSS Help > REST API Reference Tree


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Hi @Lukasz Ossowski ,

The request payload is malformed. Could you please try to remove the text on line 19th and update the 18th line to be the below

"ValidationOptions": { "AllowHistoricalInstruments": true }
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Thank you Raksina.

I changed the request as per your suggestion, however the error still occurs.API error Dec 2.png

api-error-dec-2.png (32.6 KiB)
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