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Obtain company permid using security permid


I would like to extract M&A deals for a list of firms for which I have the security permid. It doesn’t seem to be possible to extract deal information using the security permid though. Is there a way to link the security permid to the company permid?

For example: Amazon security permid: 8590928320 -> Company PermID: 4295905494

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hi @flammers

the link you are looking for is "isIssuedBy", that is the PermID of the issuing company ( Inc)



"@id": "",

"@type": "tr-fin:Instrument",

"tr-common:hasName": "Amazon Com Ord Shs",

"tr-common:hasPermId": "8590928320",

"hasAssetClass": "",

"hasInstrumentStatus": "tr-fin:instrumentStatusActive",

"hasPrimaryQuote": "",

"isIssuedBy": ""


Hope it helps,

Best Regards

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Thank you!

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