I'm looking for articles that TRIT tagged with silver or gold social tags terms. I only want to see articles that TRIT scored highly for each tag and all related entities to that set of articles.
In Data Fusion we're flattening the TRIT model for convenience, hence duplication of properties. So a query for gold or silver tagged articles with a high score would use a solr syntax
(SocialTag_attr:"silver" OR SocialTag_attr:"gold") AND (calais_confidence_80_attr:"silver" OR calais_confidence_80_attr:"gold")`
GET /datafusion/api/entity/search?searchString=(SocialTag_attr:%22silver%22%20OR%20SocialTag_attr:%22gold%22)%20AND%20(calais_confidence_80_attr:%22silver%22%20OR%20calais_confidence_80_attr:%22gold%22)&extraFields=SocialTag_attr%2Ccalais_confidence_80_attr
We can then tokenize this search so that we can refer to it as a set in subsequent calls.
GET /datafusion/api/entity/search/tokenize?searchString=(SocialTag_attr:%22silver%22%20OR%20SocialTag_attr:%22gold%22)%20AND%20(calais_confidence_80_attr:%22silver%22%20OR%20calais_confidence_80_attr:%22gold%22)
Example response
{ "tokenPart": "183cfc09cb7131534d38bef1d015721e", "count": 155}
And use that token to pull all entities related to a set of articles returned for our initial gold or silver article query.
GET /datafusion/api/entity/search?parentUris=183cfc09cb7131534d38bef1d015721e&includePredicates=true&extraFields=*