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quote information currect

Hi Support,

I have a question about the empty values I'm encountering in the [BID] field of the RIC: [TWD=TP] quote and the [ASK,SEC_ACT_1] field of the RIC: [AUD1YD].

I would like to confirm if the data I am retrieving is correct. Please see the attached log file for reference.


Thank you.

aud1yd.png (132.7 KiB)
twdtp.png (119.2 KiB)
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I extracted the raw data from Tick History to check those update messages. I found that update message in the extracted raw data.

AUD1YD=,Market Price,2023-11-15T07:31:00.522687752Z,+0,Raw,UPDATE,UNSPECIFIED,,,,2405,,56222,,23

I am unable to extract the raw data of TWD=TP due to lack of permission.

As this forum is more for programming type queries, rather than content queries, we are unable to confirm if the retrieved data is correct. To verify the content, please kindly contact the content support team directly via MyRefinitiv. The content support team can verify the retrieved content for you.

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