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How to identify Pit trades in TRTH Date Time response

Hi, we're using TRTH downloading tick level data. We requested many columns from TRTH as below. I am wondering is there a field or trade flag that helps us to identify whether a trade belongs to Pit trade or not?

The reason is for some futures products in 2000-2006, we see many trades with prices, but volume as 0, we're wondering whether these trades are pit trades.


"""#RIC,Alias Underlying RIC,Domain,Date-Time,GMT Offset,Type,Ex/Cntrb.ID,LOC,Price,Volume,Market VWAP,Buyer ID,Bid Price,Bid Size,No. Buyers,Seller ID,Ask Price,Ask Size,No. Sellers,Qualifiers,Seq. No.,Exch Time,Block Trd,PE Ratio,Yield,Bid Yld,Ask Yld,ISMA Bid Yld,ISMA Ask Yld,Duration,Mod Durtn,BPV,Convexity,Bench Spd,Swp Spd,Asst Swp Spd,Swap Point,UpLim Price,LoLim Price,Theo. Price,Parity,Premium,Bid Imp. Vol,Ask Imp. Vol,Imp. Vol.,Crack,Top,Freight Pr.,Offer,Actual,Prior,Revised,Forecast,Frcst High,Frcst Low,No. Frcts,Date,Bid Tic,Tick Dir.,Open,High,Low,Open Interest,Bench Price,Open Yld,High Yld,Low Yld,Acc. Volume,Turnover,Volatility,Strike,Mid Price,Advancing Issues,Declining Issues,Unchanged Issues,Total Issues,Advancing Volume,Declining Volume,Unchanged Volume,Total Volume,New Highs,New Lows,Total Moves,Percentage Change,Advancing Moves,Declining Moves,Unchanged Moves,Strong Market,Weak Market,Changed Market,Market Volatility,Original Date,Final NAV,30 Day ATM IV Call,60 Day ATM IV Call,90 Day ATM IV Call,30 Day ATM IV Put,60 Day ATM IV Put,90 Day ATM IV Put,Background Reference,Original Price,Original Volume,Original Seq. No.,Original Exch Time,Bid Spread,Ask Spread,Reference Price,Paired Quantity,Imbalance Quantity,Far Clearing Price,Near Clearing Price,Option Adjusted Spread Bid,Z Spread,Conversion Premium,Conversion Ratio,Percentage Daily Return,Interpolated CDS Basis,Interpolated CDS Spread,Closest-to-Maturity CDS Basis,Delta,Fair Price,Bond Floor,Edge,YTW,YTB,Simple Margin,Discount Margin,1M Basis Asset Swap Spread,3M Basis Asset Swap Spread,6M Basis Asset Swap Spread,Accumulated Ask Order,Accumulated Ask Order Size,Accumulated Bid Order,Accumulated Bid Order Size,Ask Compound Yield,Ask Dealer Count,Ask Market Maker Id,Asset Swap Spread Ask,Asset Swap Spread Bid,Average Price,Base Correlation,Basis Point Volatility,Benchmark Spread Ask,Benchmark Spread Bid,Benchmark Yield,Bid Compound Yield,Bid Dealer Count,Bid Market Maker Id,Breakeven Inflation,Cap Premium,Carry Roll-down Total,CDS Dollar Value Of 1 Basis Pt,Commodity Basis,Compound Yield,Constant Maturity Yield,Conversion Factor,Convexity Bias,Cost of Carry,Daily Quota Remaining Balance,Dealing Code,Default Probability,Discount Ask,Discount Bid,Discount Factor,Discount Margin Ask,Discount Margin Bid,Discount Rate,Display Name,Energy Netback,Energy Swing,Energy Variance,Exch For Physical Vol,Exch For Swaps Vol,Final Physical Notification,Fixed Coupon,Fixing Date,Fixing Value,Floor Premium,Forecast Avg Swap Pts,Forecast Mean,Forecast Median,Forecast Std Deviation,Forward Rate,Futures Basis,Futures Risk,Fwd Outright Ask,Fwd Outright Bid,Gamma,Implied Correlation,Implied Repo Rate,Implied Yield,Index Skew,Max Export Limit,Max Import Limit,Mean Reversion,Mid Spread,Mid Yield,Number of Trades,Odd-Lot Trade Price,Odd-Lot Trade Turnover,Odd-Lot Trade Volume,Option Adjusted Spread,Option Adjusted Spread Ask,Orderbook VWAP,Original Acc. Volume,Original Yield,Par Yield,Present Value of Basis Point,Quscnt Physical Notification,Real Yield Ask,Real Yield Bid,Recovery Rate,Reference Bond Yield,Refinery Mgn Crack,Refinery Mgn Top,Reserve Vol,Roll-down,Running Spread,Seasonal Normal Demand,Short Rate Volatility,Source Reference,Sovereign Spread,Swap Premium,Swap Rate,Swap Spread Ask,Swap Spread Bid,Swap Yield,Theoretical Price Ask,Theoretical Price Bid,Theoretical Price Mid,Theoretical Spread Ask,Theoretical Spread Bid,Theoretical Spread Mid,Theta,Total Buy Value,Total Buy Volume,Total Demand,Total Sell Value,Total Sell Volume,Trade Price Currency,Unique Trade Identification,Yield To Call,Yield to Maturity,Yield to Maturity Ask,Yield to Maturity Bid,Yield To Put,Zero Yield,Aggressive Order Condition,Categorisation of Trades,Effective Convexity,Effective Duration,Fair Value,Fair Value Accuracy Measure,Fair Value Consistency Score,Fair Value DV01,Fair Value Spread,Fair Value Volume,Fair Value Yield,Flows,Forward Future Risk,Gross Basis,Halt Reason,Hedge Ratio,Imbalance Activity Type,Imbalance Side,Imbalance Variation Indicator,Indicative Auction Price,Indicative Auction Volume,Instrument Description,Invoice Price,Invoice Spread,LULD Indicator,MMT Classification,Net Basis,Net Change,Original Buyer Id,Original Primary Activity,Original RIC of Last Eligible Trade,Original Seller Id,Original Trade Sequence Number,Original Unique Trade Identification,Primary Activity,RIC of Last Eligible Trade,Short Sale Restriction Indicator,Spread to Treasury,Trade Sequence Number,Trade Yield,Trading Status,Change Type,Old Value,New Value,ISIN,Unique Quote Identification"""

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Hello @Qing.Wang

Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, we are not the Content expert. We can help you with the LSEG APIs general usage questions only.

I strongly suggest you contact the Tick History support team to help you with this content question. You can contact the team via website.


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