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How to accurately get data between your customised periods specified

Hi everyone,

One thing that I am confused with regarding get_data_async, is that, depending on the datapoints I try and retrieve, I can't seem to get data within the scope of years that I specify. Say I have this for example:

 current_year =
    start_year = current_year - 8
    async with semaphore:  # Controls the number of concurrent tasks
        global progress_counter
            # Retrieve data asynchronously for the given RIC
            response = await content.fundamental_and_reference.Definition(
                parameters={"SDate": f"{start_year + 1}-01-01", "EDate": f"{current_year}-12-31", "Frq": "Y"}

For datapoints like EBIT and Total Cap, (assuming the start year is 2016 and the end year is 2024), I am getting data for only 2015 to 2022. And I have seen this inconsistency across different datapoints as well. Why is this happening, and what is the cause?


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Please provide the concrete examples, such as RICs, fields, parameters, and outputs. Therefore, we can verify what the problem is.

Are you using the desktop or RDP session?

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@vishal.nanwani does this work for you:

response = fundamental_and_reference.Definition(
                fields=['', 'TR.F.IncAvailToComShr'],
                parameters={"SDate": "2018-01-01", "EDate": "2023-12-31", "Frq": "CY"}


I hope this can help.

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