I have downloaded your RFA8.1 but find it hard to get the sample or tutorial working.
Our current application use RFA to get market data for US equity, for example CSCO.O.
The configuration used is something like this:
<node name="Connections"> <map/> <node name="us-dev"> <map> <entry key="connectionType" value="SSL"/> <entry key="serverType" value="sapi"/> <entry key="serverList" value="somer-server-ip"/> <entry key="portNumber" value="8101"/> <entry key="userName" value="_some-user-id"/> <entry key="downloadDataDict" value="true"/> <entry key="downloadFullMarketFeedDataDict" value="true"/> <entry key="logEnabled" value="true"/> <entry key="dacs_CbeEnabled" value="false"/> <entry key="dacs_SbePubEnabled" value="false"/> <entry key="dacs_SbeSubEnabled" value="false"/> </map> </node>
1) Will the same configuration be suitable for RFA 8.1?
2) We need to replace TibMsg with OMMMsg. Can you please provide a working sample that can get me market data price, say Level One Data?
A few findings with your RFA release
1) RFA 8.1 Java Tutorial download on your website is missing config file and does not work
2) RFA 8.1 release's QuckStart consumer and provider do not work - After using /Tools/Config_Editor to export to quickstart.xml, the file is has fewer settings, but the pair appears working-Then, it just makes me confused about that Config_Editor's function.