Am trying to get RIC for the particular combination as the ISIN is being traded in different markets with different currency. Combination: ISIN, Country, Market MIC and Currency
you can use below combination and please note Market MIC is not allowed in search functionality as this is proprietary content of LSE/S&P but you can use MIC code removing prefix, that will be Refinitiv Exchange Code.
Also you can search list of Exchange Codes supported by Refinitiv by below GET method.
Search based on ISIN { "SearchRequest": { "CurrencyCodes": ["USD"], "DomicileCodes": ["US"], "ExchangeCodes": ["NYS"], "AssetStatus": "Active", "IdentifierType": "Isin", "Identifier": "US4592001014", "PreferredIdentifierType": "Ric" } }
Can I get a list of all existing RICs associated with all ISIN?
@maximiliano-hernan.ruiz, on this topic, please see this article.