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Property 'common/PIXL/ReutersManaged/DEFAULT/CONTRIBUTION/ACK_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION' not found in any source

We encounter this error whenever we call CreateDex2Mgr for an user. This does not happen for another user.
How do we resolve this?

2019-05-24 10:03:59.703 AM: EXCEPTION

Source : KobraConfigProvider.KobraConfigProvider.1

Method : CreateDex2Mgr

Error : Property 'common/PIXL/ReutersManaged/DEFAULT/CONTRIBUTION/ACK_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION' not found in any source

Stack Trace : at EikonDesktopDataAPI.EikonDesktopDataAPIClass.CreateDex2Mgr()

at EikonFeedAdaptor.EikonFeedAdaptor.TryConnect(Boolean snapshot, Boolean realtime)

Environment Stack Trace: at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)

at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()

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Troubleshooting machine and user specific issues requires access to the machine where the issue is reproduced, which cannot be done on a forum. I suggest you raise a case with Refinitiv Helpdesk. To contact Refinitiv Helpdesk use Contact Us capability in your Eikon application or call the Helpdesk number in your country.
You may want to try clearing Eikon cache and restarting Eikon first to see if this resolves the issue. If not then definitely contact the Helpdesk.

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