RFA Java provides the OMMAttribInfo.getAttrib() method, but not setAttrib() method. What should I do to set the Attrib to OMMAttribInfo object?
@Catherine Wong
According to the document (<RFA_PACKAGE>/Docs/refman/rfajava/com/reuters/rfa/omm/OMMEncoder.html), if the application wants to encode attrib, it must not specify the second parameter as OMMTypes.NO_DATA.
encodeMsgInitvoid encodeMsgInit(OMMMsg msg, short attibDataType, short dataType)OMMMsg encoding initializationParameters:msg - the message to be encoded.attibDataType - the data type that is contained in the OMMAttribInfo. OMMTypes.NO_DATA if encoded OMMAttribInfo will not contain OMMData (i.e. OMMAttribInfo.getAttrib()).dataType - the data type that is contained in the message. OMMTypes.NO_DATA if encoded message will not contain data.
Referring to RFA Java RDM Usage guide, OMMAttribInfo.Attrib is not used in most of domains except a Login domain.
Since the RFA example applications usually manage the administrative domain (Login, Source Directory, and Dictionary) automatically, you can find the simple demonstration from a LoginClient.encodeLoginReqMsg() method of a StarterConsumer example.
Please see the snippet code below:
private OMMMsg encodeLoginReqMsg() { OMMEncoder encoder = _mainApp.getEncoder(); OMMPool pool = _mainApp.getPool(); encoder.initialize(OMMTypes.MSG, 500); OMMMsg msg = pool.acquireMsg(); msg.setMsgType(OMMMsg.MsgType.REQUEST); msg.setMsgModelType(RDMMsgTypes.LOGIN); msg.setIndicationFlags(OMMMsg.Indication.REFRESH); msg.setAttribInfo(null, CommandLine.variable("user"), RDMUser.NameType.USER_NAME); encoder.encodeMsgInit(msg, OMMTypes.ELEMENT_LIST, OMMTypes.NO_DATA); encoder.encodeElementListInit(OMMElementList.HAS_STANDARD_DATA, (short)0, (short)0); encoder.encodeElementEntryInit(RDMUser.Attrib.ApplicationId, OMMTypes.ASCII_STRING); encoder.encodeString(CommandLine.variable("application"), OMMTypes.ASCII_STRING); encoder.encodeElementEntryInit(RDMUser.Attrib.Position, OMMTypes.ASCII_STRING); encoder.encodeString(CommandLine.variable("position"), OMMTypes.ASCII_STRING); encoder.encodeElementEntryInit(RDMUser.Attrib.Role, OMMTypes.UINT); encoder.encodeUInt((long)RDMUser.Role.CONSUMER); encoder.encodeAggregateComplete(); // Get the encoded message from the encoder OMMMsg encMsg = (OMMMsg)encoder.getEncodedObject(); // Release the message that own by the application pool.releaseMsg(msg); return encMsg; // return the encoded message }
Below is an application log:
MESSAGE Msg Type: MsgType.REQUEST Msg Model Type: LOGIN Indication Flags: REFRESH Hint Flags: HAS_ATTRIB_INFO AttribInfo Name: U0154418 NameType: 1 (USER_NAME) Attrib ELEMENT_LIST ELEMENT_ENTRY ApplicationId: 256 ELEMENT_ENTRY Position: ELEMENT_ENTRY Role: 0 Payload: None
Hope this helps!
In RFA Java 8 kit, please see framework => provider => DictionaryStreamItem:
OMMAttribInfo attribInfo = pool.acquireAttribInfo();
attribInfo.setFilter(filter); // Specifies all of the normally needed
// data will be sent.
enc.encodeMsgInit(msg, OMMTypes.NO_DATA, OMMTypes.SERIES); // Data is
Thanks, but if I just want to add ElementList in the msgKey too? How can I set it to OMMAttribInfo object. It provides setFilter(), setId(), setName(), setNameType(), setServiceID() and setServiceName() only.
It looks like what I want. I can attach some parameters in msg.Attrib along with the request message.
MESSAGE Msg Type: MsgType.REQUEST Msg Model Type: Unknown Msg Model Type: 254 Indication Flags: REFRESH Hint Flags: HAS_ATTRIB_INFO | HAS_QOS_REQ QosReq: (RT, TbT) AttribInfo ServiceId: 1 Name: CW_TEST_CUSTOM_RIC NameType: 1 Attrib ELEMENT_LIST ELEMENT_ENTRY startDate: 01/01/2016 ELEMENT_ENTRY stopDate: 25/02/2016 ELEMENT_ENTRY threshold: 3 Payload: None