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Getting Parse Error while trying to establish a SXS session using the handshake request

Hi, I am trying to set up the environment to use the Side By Side Interoperability API.

For this I was referring to the Quick start guide that is available at this link :

I successfully started and logged in to Eikon. Then, I was also able to successfully ping the SXS server using the Postman Utility at port 9001 (since 9000 was being already used on my system).

After this, I was trying to establish a Session and for this I first generated the Product ID and App key using the App key generator in Eikon

and then passed the below JSON object


"command": "handshake",


"appKey": "1d8281c18........"


I followed all the steps that is mentioned in the Quick start guide to establish a SXS session. I ensured that the raw data is selected and the type of data is set to JSON within the Postman utility.

However, on posting the above JSON, I am getting the below error in response


"isSuccess": false,



"code": -32700,

"message": " Parse error"



It seems there is some Parsing error but the JSON object that I am passing seems to be correct.

Please refer the below image

Could you please help with this.

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If you copied the request from the website, it may contain invalid characters.

Please manually type the request.

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