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which is better to read excel files ? pandas or xlrd

I'm new to this platform, so not sure if the forum selected is correct or not. I'm creating a webapp, where most of the backend operations include reading excel files. I'm aware that internally pandas use xlrd.

1. So if i use xlrd to read an excel file instead of pandas, will the operation be faster?

2. Using pandas just for reading an excel with not much work to process using pandas, which is recommended? pandas or xlrd ?

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Hello @placementseaso,

Let us confirm if you are in a correct Refinitiv API developers forum.

Which Refinitiv API are you using, is it Data Fusion? (this question was posted in Data Fusion section)

Hi, No im not using any of the Refinitive API. when i searched pandas forum, this is the site shown up first. so expected to get an answer from here

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This portal is aimed at software developers utilizing Refinitiv APIs. I'm afraid your question is off-topic here, as it pertains to generic software development in Python, not specific to any Refinitiv products, services or APIs. I suggest you post your question on resources that are better suited for generic programming problems like Stackoverflow etc.

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Sure. it was of no use creating account here then :).

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