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Got 'NoSuchElementException' when using RFAJ 8 to connect to the service

com.reuters.rfa.internal.connection.rssl.RSSLConnection processTransportData

SEVERE: com.reuters.rfa.connection.rssl.myNS.RSSLconnection

Caught internal exception java.util.NoSuchElementException.

java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(Unknown Source)

java.util.HashMap$ Source)

com.reuters.rfa.internal.connection.rssl.RSSLClientConnection.NotifySessionComponentVersionInfo(Unknown Source)

com.reuters.rfa.internal.connection.rssl.RSSLLoginHandler.connectionLogin(Unknown Source)

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RFA Java does not use Windows registry direclty, but Java preferences API to manage the configuration. Since you mention that your application is multi-threaded, so I suppose it is some kind of race around condition. Try adding pause within your application to see if any thread is trying to access login state/data before its available.

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You will have to provide more details. Is this a new application? Can you reproduce the exception with RFAJ samples - like QuickStartConsumer provided with the SDK?

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We are migrating to RFAJ 8, and existing program is multi-threaded, so after start, there are multiple threads concurrently trying to connect to the service, and sometimes we got this exception. It's hard to reproduce this scenario but I feel it may related to login stage, when wait for response event and waiting time is too short. Anything wrong with Windows Registry usage?QuickStartConsumer works fine.

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@Gurpreet We are migrating to RFAJ 8, and existing program is multi-threaded, so after start, there are multiple threads concurrently trying to connect to the service, and sometimes we got this exception. It's hard to reproduce this scenario but I feel it may related to login stage, when wait for response event and waiting time is too short. Anything wrong with Windows Registry usage?QuickStartConsumer works fine.

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@Gurpreet Ok, I will try the suggested approach, thank you!

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.