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DACS - Rebranding change - Failing to get list of application list

The following call is failing

final DacsApplicationListResult dacsApplicationListResult = dacsWebService.getApplicationList(dacsAdministratorLogin);

with the error:

Caused by: Client received SOAP Fault from server: java.lang.NullPointerException Please see the server log to find more detail regarding exact cause of the failure.



It had worked previously with 6.7.0

What should I be looking for?


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Thanks @zoya.farberov . It started working after Apache Tomcat server was restarted.

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Hello @siyer ,

Running a quick check of the same service call against 7.7 testbed via python, do not see the issue:

from suds.client import Client

dacsLogin  = "MYVALIDLOGIN"
dacsWSurl  = "http://MYVALIDADDRESS/DacsWS/DacsWebServiceService?wsdl

client = Client(dacsWSurl)

_dl = client.factory.create('dacsAdministratorLogin')
_dl.aAdministratorName.mAdministratorName         = dacsLogin
_dl.aAdministratorPassword.mAdministratorPassword = dacsPasswd

_appList = client.service.getApplicationList(_dl)


If you are comfortable with Python, this could be a super-quick test on your side.

I personally would work through DACS Station API - Quick Start Guide - Java in your environment, against 7.7, with the new project, this should be quick to do and should allow you to be sure to get a clean project and to get a very simple integration with DACS WS working, as the first step. Next, would add getApplicationList call and see, if this causes the issue, or if with the rebuilt references it goes away.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.