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Minute prices result is nan for some stocks in 0#.AXKO

Hi Team,

I am trying to access 0#.AXKO all 300 stock price at 00:30:00 on daily basis.

However, some result show nan. Can you let me know how to get 00:30:00 result for those stocks or the reason of missing? Thank you!


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Hello @yu.yang and @XiaoyanWang1 ,

The request as you issue it in terms of API is correct, nothing is off with EDAPI Python usage.

I have run a quick verification on my side, with the first instrument from the list:

ek.get_timeseries('NHF.AX', fields='CLOSE', interval = 'minute',start_date='2021-11-08',end_date='2021-11-09')

And my result looks the same, it is not conveying the same data point for the first instrument, as on the included screenshot from you:


Therefore, this is the expected result for this API request, and the question becomes on the content, you would like to have an explanation on the content available and not available.

The best way to involve in-depth content expertise is to refer the question to content experts directly via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon. This developers forum can be of most help to you with general questions on API usage.

Hope this information is of help.

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