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Configuration issues with RDP for Python

Trying to follow along with the example notebooks but cannot seem to get the package to load outside of the example notebooks.screenshot-2021-12-30-215938.png to be clear, I've set up the config json with my appkey. I am currently using Eikon Desktop v 4.0.56

eikonpythonrefinitiv-dataplatform-eikonrefinitiv-data-platformpython apirdpconfiguration
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You may have another config module installed on the machine.

refinitiv-data works with python-configuration.

However, if I install another config 0.5.1 module, I will get the following error.


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Hi thanks so much, yes this is in fact the issue and I have solved it by changing the name of a different config file.

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Hi @jgarden,

It seems that config module isn't imported from python-configuration package.

Could you describe your environment ?
And check installed packages ? (ex: "pip list" result)

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Jupyterlab ==3.1.7

pandas == 1.3.2


python-configuration ==0.8.2

refinitiv-data == 1.0.0b6

Pip list is really long what else would you need to see?

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I had to reinstall the refinitiv-data library to get it to work.

pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall refinitiv-data
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.