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downstream adspop getting denied access to consolidated feed using system account.

Having a problem where we have an adspop sourcing data from another on premise ads but it the downstream ads pop is unable to access the consolidated canadian feed EG. ABX.CCP The message I get is dataState="RSSL_DATA_SUSPECT" streamState="RSSL_STREAM_CLOSED".

The strange thing is it uses the same DACS console as the upstream ads but that upstream ads is able to access the data with no problems. Any suggestions

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Hello @MM

Do you mean your local ADS Pop cannot access data from upstream ADS? If so, I suggest you contact the ADS support team to verify the issue on the ADS side. You can contact them via the website directly.


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You may need to check the status text in the state.


Typically, the status text will contain an explanation of why the item was closed.

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