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RFA 7.7 - Missing FID 5364 for the RIC .TLREF

Hi Developer Team,

My client is retreiving the RIC .TLREF by using RFA 7.7 API from deployed RTDS. However FID 5364 referring to CF_LAST is missing in RFA 7.7 API app but available in EIkon. Thanks to advise how to get this field 5364 from API as well.


Serhat Gulsen

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Hi @serhat.gulsen1

Try using FID (6), TRDPRC_1 instead.

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Hello @serhat.gulsen1

The “CF_” field is the “Consolidate/Common” field that is available on the Eikon platform, not the Refinitiv Real-Time.

Please refer to my colleague's answer in this old post.

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Do we have an alternative FID to be used in RFA?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.