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While using HistoricalCriteriaSearch or FuturesAndOptionsSearch API in TRTH

While using HistoricalCriteriaSearch or FuturesAndOptionsSearch API in TRTH, I was wondering if it is possible to specify a regex style identification in the 'Identifier' key,

e.g. If i want the results for HSI*D2.HF and HSI*P2.HF in the same search request, how would I specify it? Example RIC expected in output HSI14600D2.HF

What changes do I need to make to the below code:




















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Hello @mohamed.hisham ,

You could specify it with HistoricalCriteriaSearch :


If you are looking to use FuturesAndOptionsSearch- it is more aligned with the nature of the instrument- Option.

Letters D and P denote expiration months. I.e. April, May, etc. and you would be looking for a specific range of expiration months. So to look up the expiration date range that you require, rather then a discrete list of months, could be simple:


"SearchRequest": {
"FileCodes": null,
"CurrencyCodes": null,
"ExchangeCodes": null,
"AssetStatus": "Active",
"StrikePrice": null,
"ExpirationDate": {
            "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Search.DateRangeComparison",
            "From": "2022-04-01T00:00:00.000Z",
            "To": "2022-06-30T00:00:00.000Z"
"IdentifierType": "RICRoot",
"Identifier": "HSI*",
"FuturesAndOptionsType": "Option
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