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What's the meaning of *lpc*logger*selector : *.debug in the lpc.cnf?

LPC question: what's the meaning of *lpc*logger*selector : *.debug in the lpc.cnf?

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Hello @Frederic

I cannot find the parameter information in the LPC package and document. However, I am assuming that it should be the same as other RTDS components (ADS, ADH, RTC).

According to the RTC (the rebranded ADS - Pop) configuration file, this *logger*selector parameter defines the logging levels which will be enabled.

! *rtc*logger*selector : *.info
!    selector:
!    This parameter defines the logging levels which will be enabled.
!    One of the following levels may be specified:
!     *.alert - Alerts are typically logged when communications problems are
!               encountered.
!     *.critical - These are logged when the RTC determines that it runs
!                  out of memory.
!     *.error - These are typically logged with problems on startup.
!     *.warning - These are typically logged when the RTC receives status
!                 or error messages from the host transport.
!     *.notice - These are only logged when the RTC starts and stops its
!                congestion control algorithm.
!     *.info  - Log selected information regarding normal operation.
!     *.debug - This logs information when rare item-level events occur. This
!               can trigger a lot of messages to be logged so it should only
!               be turned on when debugging.  The most common occurrence of
!               this is when gaps in the update stream are found.
!    Selecting a level will automatically log messages for levels above it.
!    For example selecting *.info will log *.alert, *.critical, *.error,
!    *.warning, *.notice and *.info messages.
!    Default value: *.info
!    Note, the default is probably sufficient for most purposes and
!    should not log unnecessary messages.

Additionally, you may contact the LPC support team directly via the website. The LPC can help you verify the server configuration parameters.


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.