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Curve points tenors

Hi! I'm using Python refinitiv.dataplatform. I want to retrieve Zero curves which have unite format for all curve points tenors. All the curves OIS, 3M, 6M should have the same curve points tenors like [ON, 1W, 1M, 3M ....].

Is that possible to have this condition written in the request body parameters?

request_body = {"universe":[{



"curveDefinition": {"id":curve,


Many thanks!

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Hi @dmitry.benediktovich

yes that's possible. to achieve this you simply have to set the property 'curveTenors' in the curve definition.



    "universe": [{
            "curveParameters": {
                "valuationDate": "2020-06-30"
            "curveDefinition": {
                "currency": "EUR",
                "indexName": "EURIBOR",
                "name": "EUR EURIBOR Swap ZC Curve",
                "discountingTenor": "OIS",
                "curveTenors": ["ON", "1W", "1M"]
    "outputs": ["Constituents"]
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Hello @dmitry.benediktovich ,

Did you have a chance to review RDP Postman Starter example

-> IPA ->Financial contracts - SC-curve

Would a curveDefinition clause like:{
"universe": [
        "curveParameters": {
        "interpolationMode": "CubicSpline",
        "priceSide": "Mid",
        "interestCalculationMethod": "Dcb_Actual_Actual",
        "extrapolationMode": "Linear"
    "curveDefinition": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "name":"EUR EURIBOR Swap ZC Curve",
        "discountingTenor": "OIS",

be what you are looking for?

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