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ImportError: cannot import name 'bulk' from '' on CodeBook

I'm using Codebooks Refinitiv Workspace and following the 'EX_01_05_05__Bulk_ESG' example.

This is the error I recieve and haven't been able to find any solutions online. Would really appreicate any help!


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Hi @zshad

I also found the same issue when trying the above example within Refinitiv Workspace - I will report this to the team responsible.

If you are able to run your own Jupyter environment, I would suggest you try the following example within GitHub: Example.DataLibrary.Python/EX-2.04.02-ESG-Bulk.ipynb at main · Refinitiv-API-Samples/Example.DataLibrary.Python (

Ensure you have updated to the latest package.

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Thanks Nick,

I came across these types of error with quite a few of the examples in the Refinitiv Workspace. Just wanted to bring that to your attention!

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Hi @zshad,

This error was due to a change in the library's public API. The 'bulk' module and its 'PackageManager' have been moved from the Delivery layer to the Content layer of the library. The related sample notebooks on GitHub and in CodeBook have been changed accordingly. It took a little bit longer for CodeBook. This is the reason why you encountered this error. We are sorry for the inconvenience

For your information, bulk data requires a specific license that is not included in Refinitiv Workspace. For this reason, we removed this example from the Refinitiv Workspace distribution of CodeBook. In case you have separate account with a license for ESG Bulk data, please refer to the related example on GitHub

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.