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Meaning of messages in DACS log

Do the log messages below indicate a configure error:
Sep 6 21:29:03|INFO|009080|Starting auto periodic upload of software statistics
Sep 6 21:29:03|WARNING|009027|Sync service connect failure to machine, - Failed to login user to rssl server <eikonConnect():269>
Sep 6 21:29:03|WARNING|009089|Software statistics upload failure, for 369 day(s) <eikonPeriodicSoftwareStatUpload():2552>
Sep 6 21:29:03|INFO|009081|Completed periodic synchronization of software statistics
Sep 6 21:29:04|INFO|009091|Starting auto periodic upload of usage data
Sep 6 21:29:04|WARNING|009027|Sync service connect failure to machine, - Failed to login user to rssl server <eikonConnect():269>
Sep 6 21:29:04|WARNING|009093|Usage data upload failure, for 370 day(s) <eikonPeriodicUsageUpload():2983>
Sep 6 21:29:04|INFO|009090|Completed periodic upload of usage

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Hi @steven.nuzum ,

Regarding case number 11568034, the solution is below

The reason why it doesn't work as you need to be able to access at least one of those host in order to do UUID sync.
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Hello @steven.nuzum ,

This forum can be of help with OpenDACS API usage questions.

For suspected DACS configuration issues, the best approach is to open a support case with Refinitiv Help&Support on product= DACS.

For this question, case #11568034 been opened on your behalf, please expect a support expert to reach out to you shortly via email.

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10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.