Getting 401 Authorisation error in less than an hour time although authorization is valid for 24 hours. Please advise?
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Getting 401 Authorisation error in less than an hour time although authorization is valid for 24 hours. Please advise?
It looks like this:
However, the REST API Reference Tree indicates that this method is deprecated.
As mentioned in above snapshot, this method is deprecated and suggested we should not use this, so could u please provide another url ?
Hi @dibya.keshari,
What expiry time do you see when you validate the token using /Authentication/ValidateToken endpoint?
I tried and see that my token expires exactly after 24 hours. If yours is different, you can raise a ticket with product support at to understand why it is so.
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#DataScope.Select.Api.Authentication.ValidateTokenResult", "IsValid": true, "Expires": "2022-10-21T13:42:33.526Z" }
We have tried but not able to get the expected result due to not having correct payload against this url. So, could you please share full payload along with header details. Please find the below snapshot -
As mentioned in above snapshot, this method is deprecated and suggested we should not use this, so could u please provide another url ?
I checked and found that it doesn't provide another URL to validate tokens, as mentioned in the description.
This method is deprecated. Please do not use. It will be removed at some point in the future. When using the toolkit, use the token to create a context. There are parameters on the context to handle an invalid token. When you are using the REST API without the toolkit, pass the token on the request header. If it is invalid, you will receive an authorization error. At this point you can call the RequestToken method to retrieve a new token and try the request again.
However, you can contact the DataScope Select support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm this.