Hi Team, Please provide sample API query for amount outstanding under Bond Schedules template. Amount Outstanding info is available via Bond Schedules Template for all GovCorp assets.We reviewed few Egypt Bills [e.g. EGT998042P17/ EGT99801AO17] and amount outstanding available in Bond Schedules.
Could you please share the API request for CorporateActionsStandardExtractionRequest, where Client want to make a request that will return all events that have effective date today or yesterday, all the events that have been updated in Refinitiv database today or yesterday, and all the events that have been inserted into…
hi, I have the below code to fetch EOD data via eikon api. I frequently end up with connectivity issues - sometimes no data retireved, sometime partial data retrieved. I have been asked to use DSS api instead. Can you please provide me with a alternate version of ek.get_data()? My code is:-…
We have noticed a difference in prices for some securities from Reuters when requesting via the API than when done via a SFTP setup instead. We are receiving data with only 5 decimal places in the API response whereas the SFTP response contains 6 decimal places.
Hello, I'm trying to find the best way to retrieve Unmanaged and unverified legal entities out of the DSS REST API On Demand extractions. It seems that through POST /Extractions/ExtractWithNotes, if you stick to "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.EntityIdentifierList",…
Hi team, How do I fix the attached error I am facing with the Example application?
Hi all, I'm using the DataScope Select REST API C# dll libraries to make CompositeExtractionRequests In the http REST API there is a json flag you can use for "UseExchangeCodeInsteadOfLipper" - is there an equivalent for this on the CompositeExtractionRequest C# class? All I can see on that class is IdentifierList,…
Is there concept of a generic contract RIC? For example in Bloomberg, CL1 refers to the current active WTI Crude contract. This points to CLX4 now, and rolls over to CLZ4 next month. CL2 points to the first deferred contract etc. If so, what is the naming convention for generic contracts for Refinitiv? I am trying to get…
In the "Qualifiers" column in Time and Sales report, there are some entries which are Off Book Trades. How do we exclude this using the API ? Qualifiers S[ACT_FLAG1];S[CONDCODE_1];[CONDCODE_2];N [ELIGBL_TRD];Off Book Trades[USER];"SI "[TR_TRD_FLG];47------MP----[MMT_CLASS]
Is there a self-service mechanism for the developer to rotate the DSS API password? If not, what is the procedure for the same?
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