Hi. We are retrieving data from Real-Time-Optimized (hereinafter RTO). Data has been collected from 08:55:00 to 19:30:00 Japan time, but on 2025/02/13, the following message was output at 15:16:11, and we were disconnected from RTO. What was the cause of the disconnection? Also, for the 15 minutes prior to the…
We aim to build a resilient, non-interactive provider application based on the C++ EMA Library (RTSDK-2.2.3.E1.linux.rrg). The application should handle potential connection losses and automatically reconnect to one of the available ADH servers. The automatic reconnect is successfully facilitated by the EMA library. Our…
I want to read the DACS Lock from a RSSL Update Message for News RIC NFCP_UBMS At best I can get the Byte Array ( byte dacsLock[] ) from the Byte Buffer. Have you an example how to deal with Byte Buffer vaules? Here is what I can see so far: Decode RSSL Update Message Byte Buffer public void onUpdateMsg(UpdateMsg…
Some of our customers are planning to move their own developed application from on-premises to public cloud, such as AWS, Azure and GCP. Is RTSDK (EMA/ETA/Websocket API for all supported OS) officially supported for use on public clouds?
Verify whether we can reliably use a reissue request to safely cause a refresh; (note: The issues I experienced with this (reloading all instruments) was an unrelated GC issue. Further tests have shown that requesting a reissue appears to work fine for a single EPIC – I just need confirmation that this is the right way to…
Hello LSEG Experts, we have migrated from using the deprecated SFC C++ API to the new EMA SDK and we have noticed that there was a logic in place to handle the reception of signed 0 prices, according to this convention that is also mentioned in this thread: [The positive zero (+0) represents a blank while the negative zero…
After switching from PROD RTDS to UAT RTDS, started to showing error ErrorCode="FieldIdNotFound". Tried to switch from hosted dictionary file to local dictionary file by configuring in config file, but issue persists. from the attached log file, it shows Text: Missing, unreadable or empty file configuration,…
Hello, Is the auto failover mechanism wont work with multiple credential if connection failure happens in OmmConsumer constructor? Here is my env and repeat steps: RTSDK: 2.2.3.E1 Lang: C++ OS: Redhat 7 In my env, we have 2 servers which can be logon with 2 different usernames. Let say Server_A: username = User_A Server_B:…
Hi, I have managed to run the code according to this tutorial. But there seem to be some error about the data feed. The system returned my this message and nothing else. Thanks.
I have a C++ application using EMA API (SDK version 2.2.1.L1) on Redhat 7. When I set OmmConsumerConfig with an incorrect IP and incorrect username, the OmmConsumer() is able to throw exception after 45sec (Text = 'login failed (timed out after waiting 45000milliseconds', ErrorCode=-4052") However, if the OmmConsumerConfig…
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