search.Definition - bonds
hello, are you aware of list of possible values for this field - 'select'? search.Definition object response = search.Definition( view=search.Views.FIXED_INCOME_INSTRUMENTS, select="ISIN,RIC,IssueDate,Currency,FaceIssuedTotal,CouponRate,CouponType,MaturityDate", filter=filter_str, top=10000, ).get_data() I am looking for…
Eurozone bonds issued from 2016
Hi! I have two questions. The sales rep showed us a Python environment embedded in workspace that looked very user friendly to download data. Can you help me to find this embedded Python environment within workspace. I also need to download all bond issues in the eurozone from 2016 to 2023 (I send you a screenshot of how…
Do we have a list of all fields that can be placed under "SELECT" Parameter?
Do we have a list of all fields that can be placed under "SELECT" Parameter?
API query for Amortization schedule
Please provide API query for below Amortization Frequency CodeAmortization Frequency Code DescriptionAmortization TypeAmortization Type DescriptionAmortization Schedule Sample ISIN XS0180245515 XS0166025824 XS1171476739
How to pull whole list of active bonds for an issuer in python
In python, I need to download the full list of bonds that are currently active on the italian BTP curve. For each bond, I would like this information: -Cusip -ISIN -Dirty Price -Coupon -Last coupon date -Next coupon date -Issue date -Maturity -Description -yield to maturity For something else, I'm currently using the…
sample API query for amount outstanding under Bond Schedules template.
Hi Team, Please provide sample API query for amount outstanding under Bond Schedules template. Amount Outstanding info is available via Bond Schedules Template for all GovCorp assets.We reviewed few Egypt Bills [e.g. EGT998042P17/ EGT99801AO17] and amount outstanding available in Bond Schedules.
Datascope API PriceHistory extraction request does not fetch Amount Outstanding
Using Extraction Request template #DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.PriceHistoryExtractionRequest", over https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/ExtractWithNotes, the value for field "Amount Outstanding Unscaled" always seems to be None. Is this data (daily time series of amount…
Get "related instruments" using the refintiv.data API
Hi all, I'm looking into using the refintiv.data python API to calculate benchmarks for bonds. Right now the process is very manual and not scalable, I'm searching the bond in the workspace and looking at the "Related Instruments" tab, then creating my query and looking at the results. (see screenshot) I would like to use…
Corporate Bonds: Retrieving Dates of Coupons paid this year, and other bond data
Hi everyone, I have 2 questions regarding the retrieval of Corporate Bond data with the Refinitiv Data Library in Python. I am currently trying to retrieve the coupon rate, next payment date, and coupon payment frequency, with the following formulae: 'TR.CouponRate','TR.FiNextPayDate','TR.FiCouponFrequency' I checked that…
Download bond prospectus via API
Hi all, I am trying to download a list of corporate bond prospectus available at Eikon (around 3000 bonds). I have the ISIN and RIC of bonds. Is there a way of bunch downloading from API? Many thanks!
"Too many requests" when trying to download historic bond yields
Hello - I need to download historic yields for bonds -- and the size of the download would be too big for Excel. When I increase the size of the download, I get errors, usually this one: "RDError: Error code 429 | Too many requests, please try again later." I've also just had timeouts or it returns empty data frames. Below…
Bond price difference
Hi, Using Eikon API I am getting totally different BID and ASK prices whether I use CH22439734= (given me by Eikon application whenever I search for CH0224397346) or CH0224397346. For example I get prices above 110 if I used the following bid_ask_df1,e = ek.get_data(["CH0224397346"],['TR.BIDPRICE', 'TR.ASKPRICE',…
Get Intraday Prices for European Governement Bond
Hello, I want to get intraday prices minute by minute for European Bonds (traded prices and volume) for Portuguese government bonds at the intraday level (tick, minute, hour). Let use the RIC: PT10YT=RR I managed to get quotes for last price of the day but not all intraday prices in a frequency of minute by minute. Thank…
How to retrieve bond data using a huge list of Tickers?
Using Eikon API, I extracted a huge list of Tikers, which contains all green bond issuers before 2023 (n=2370). The following is the command I used. response=search.Definition( view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS, top=8172, filter = "((DbType eq 'GOVT' or DbType eq 'CORP' or DbType eq 'AGNC' or DbType eq 'OMUN'…
Retrieve historical yield data for collection of bonds
I would like to collect certain firms outstanding bonds and get the average historical yield using python api. For example Swedish publicly traded firms in real estate sector, get their bonds that are in principal currency SEK and margin over index as type. I would like to get all active and non-active bonds' average bid…