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Hi everyone, I use RFA OMMConsumer.RegisterClient and sends a unique closure on every request. Usually, it works perfectly. However, when a large number of request are sent at the same time, then several of the responses contains null instead of the sent closure (though the Event containing the closure is not null). In the…
Is there a way to obtain all static data for treasuries, for on the run and off the run? By static data, I mean values such as COUPON, ISSUE_DATE, MATURITY_DATE, CUSIP, SECTOR. Off-the-run treasuries can change from one day to the next, hence I want a way to query this from a Java side UPA process. I will then use the…
Disregarding everything that would need to change in Website, is a OnePass account actually needed in order to establish a UDS session? Another way to ask: Is it possible to create a Cobalt product that does not use OnePass without significant changes to modules besides Website?
Where is the association between OnePass and DataRoom user stored? For example, is it stored on the DataRoom contact or is it stored in a separate system?
Given a OnePass user name, what's the easiest way to find the Prism User GUIDs (Cobalt, Dataroom, Orion, SLWB, etc) associated with that OnePass account?
Hello, I have a bug where the reproduce steps require me to emulate a OnePass user (I also have the WLN reg key as well). I know this is possible in Web2, so I'm wondering if it possible to emulate a given OnePass user in WLN as well? If so, how is this done? Thanks!
Hello, I used to use the following OnePass Admin page extensively to test various link in scenarios across our products: [][1] When I go to that page and sign-on, I'm brought to the new V2 OnePass Admin tool. I'm unable to get back to the "test authentication" page I was…
Does anyone know how (if it's possible) to emulate users in WLN Analytics?
I just discovered that, an user cannot access WestlawNext application without a OnePass account? I thought accessing WLN via OnePass is optional. Please share your thoughts. Thanks.
When debugging a link-in from one product to another, how can you capture what the transfer token is and view the contents of that transfer token?
What are all the different types of OnePass tokens and what do they do? A few examples are authentication tokens and signon tokens. I'm sure there are more. Is there a list with explanations somewhere?
Is there a way to log on to a Cobalt product with just a registration key that doesn't involve a OnePass username/password?
Is there a spreadsheet or someone (maybe from testing) that I can talk with to get passwords or OnePass credentials for use during development for certain features or credentials that have specific subscription types?
As it relates to WestlawNext/Cobalt.
As it relates to our signon process. Where can I find documentation for it?
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