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We are using Java and we expect to use RESTful HTTP requests to retrieve the K-line data for stocks. Here is an example:,ASK,OPEN_PRC. Our…
Hello, I have built linux tutorial Consumer example from Real-Time-SDK-master/Cpp-C/Ema/Examples/Training/Consumer/100_Series/100_MP_Streaming This is from the tutorial code: AppClient client; OmmConsumer consumer( OmmConsumerConfig().host( "localhost:14002" ).username( "user" ) ); consumer.registerClient(…
Hello, I am trying to build Linux ‘Consumer’ example from the tutorial: Real-Time-SDK-master/Cpp-C/Ema/Examples/Training/Consumer/100_Series/100_MP_Streaming I downloaded Real-Time-SDK-2.1.3.E1.linux I am linking with… prices well. Am having trouble figuring out how to run basicConsumer examples in the EMAJ tutorial. Unlike python. With the python client I can retrieve prices: python3 ./ --clientid 12-34-56 --clientsecret 1234-5678 --hostname…
...Flow 2.x The current Jupyter Notebook code on the Refinitiv Eikon Data API Tutorials website was apparently written for TensorFlow 1.x which has been deprecated. Can anyone recommend updated code for this tutorial to work with TensorFlow 2.x? Specifically, I'm aware that tf.logging and tf.contrib have been deprecated.
Hi, (My previous question on StreamingPrices seemed to be poorly phrased, and directed me back here, so let me try this again.) I'm working on a benchmark project where I need tick data (fields TIMACT, BID, BIDSIZE, ASK, ASKSIZE) for a set of RICs (SON3H0, SON3M0, SON3U0, SON3Z0, SON3H1) for a…
Based on tutorial in EMA Consumer - Request & Decode Machine Readable News Is it possible to run the code with canned data?
Hai. Im new to Electron SDK and trying to run through the EMA tutorial. But I get this error .................................................................................................................................................... 2020-02-10 10:07:19.771 SEVERE com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient…
I followed the EDP tutorial on; however, none of the files could run on my machine. I'm sure I have python 3.6.7 and websocket-client greater than 0.49. For the get token part, I got error for 502 bad gateway. I tried rewrote the…
I have been following this tutorial: The code (see below) is essentially a copy from the tutorial. When the code is run, the error below is returned: Sep 17, 2018 12:43:53 PM…
It looks like Elektron now officially supports VS2017 (according to\Cpp-C\Ema\Libs\WIN_64_VS150 folder) but VS2017 is missing from this page please consider adding instructions there.
I encountered the following problem while using tutorial code to connect to EZD deployed service at our network. The program prints the following error message: Dec 01, 2017 3:44:54 PM com.reuters.rfa.internal.connection.rssl.RSSLClientConnection processTransportConnected INFO:…
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