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According to the RFA Developers guide as well as posts in this forum, RFA7.6 and later support Encryption, however when I try to enable encryption in RFA7.7 I get the following error: 2024 Apr 17 19:18:28.406 ST GMT+00:00 4296 8F2A1740 463 TRACE <- Received LoggerNotifyEvent: [Wed Apr 17 19:18:28 2024]: (ComponentName)…
Does RFA 7 support Encryption on the RSSL Interface? If not, what is the minimum version of RFA8 that supports Encryption?
Dear Sir or Madam I'm currently having troubles generating the correct HMAC-SHA256 value for the authorization header. Using Microsoft's AL (Application Language) for Business Central, I try to recreate your example from the documentation. Unfortunately, the result is: zB9jBerPDKkVMJwKlZHbqDaKe3WS/eI+nvC4+JVzHIc= Even this…
使用实时数据SDK EMA API,我们可以用加密的websocket或者加密的Socket。 从性能上说,加密的socket优于加密的websocket。 从安全角度考虑,我们必须要使用http/https代理。 使用http/https代理的话,加密的websocket没问题,但是用不了加密的socket,因为它不是https的。 对于非https的连接,或许我们可以用SOCKS 代理,但是,怎么在EMA API去配置这个加密的Socket呢? 谢谢!
Hi, Using RealTime SDK EMA API, we can use Encrypted Websocket or Encrypted Socket. Encrypted socket is recommended for better performance over Encrypted websocket. For security reason we’re forced to use an http/https proxy. It is fine with Encrypted Websocket but it doesn’t work with Encrypted Socket because it’s not…
Hi, I am using channel dictionary to connect to ADS. There is a certificate location to mention in file dictionary but not sure how it is handled for channel dictionary. Can someone explain how following scenarios are handled using channel dictionary ? * How RT SDK uses HTTPS based encryption for authentication * How…
Hello, We are currently implementing the page subscription using WebSocketAPI. We managed to handle the first response of the page subscription, we now we are blocked with the encrypted page updates. We wonder what is the best solution for us : - build our own decoder parser (we would like to implement this one in order to…
The following ciphers are considered very weak and should not be used when doing any future development work on WC1 API or Zero Footprint API. * TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA * TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA * TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA * TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA The process is underway to remove…
We are consuming below Rest API from DSS to get Bonds data,for that we will be passing userid and password as plain text to get token.we need to understand instead of passing as plain text is there a way to send credentials in encrypted way.
Hi! In Thomson-Reuters-World-Check-One-API-documentation.v1.5 we can see request example and description for it "Given the above signing text, if a secret key of “1234” is used, the computed HMAC-SHA256 value would be 224B73FC07571E60E8B8D9BAB8107C656D3171F346B96183C665FD4C5330B85D when printed using hex encoding, or…
Hello, We would like to setup encrypted sessions between our RFA Java Linux 8.0.1 client and the ADS. I found from the ADS manual that encryption might be supported, but only with Windows clients using RFA C++ (section 7.13 Tunneling). Could you please check if there is a way to encrypt RFA Java Linux client sessions to…
Hi, I'm trying to run cunsumer100 example and receive the following error: May 14, 2018 2:42:46 PM com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient reactorChannelEventCallback WARNING: loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Warning Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_1…
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