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I created an api that is intended to run a python script. The python script is intended to monitor the SAFEX contracts, namely the MAWz4, MAYz4, SOYz4 and WEAz4 BOB's (blended order books). Im having difficulty running the script and extracting the content because the api does not seem to have the necessary permissions.…
What is pricing model to integrate with WC1. Is it case-wise or number of APIs call as well.
Hello, I have successfully constructed a custom forward curve using my own parameters and instruments through RDP API. forward_zcCurve_endpoint = rdp.Endpoint(session, "") user_defined_zc_response =…
Are there any plans at Refinitiv to support a GO SDK next to Java and C/C++to retrieve the streaming prices?
I guess OB is Order Book, AU = auction , but for the other values... RX ? OH? PA? thank you for your help
I am interested in studying the performance of all the European companies that did an IPO between 2000 and 2020. I have downloaded the list of IPOs but now I don't know how to create a file which includes the historical price data for all the companies in the list. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
We are getting Gold spot prices with following RIC XAU= The values are in USD. When we need to get the EUR value, we get exchange rate with (EUR=) and do the conversion. Is there a different RIC to get Gold spot prices in EUR ?
...ce ELEKTRON_D)) ) Refinitiv provides a RTO pricing service ( service name= ELEKTRON_DD ) and a 3sec conflated feed ( ERT_FD3_LF1 ) which is mainly used for Wealth clients to power websites or portals. The big advantage of this 3 second conflated feed is that the number of updates is limited at the source side, which…
Hey. I am calling the instrument pricing analytics serivce, specifically: import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp ... endpoint = rdp.Endpoint(session, '') req =…
From what i read in other posts historical prices are adjusted only for splits and not dividends. Is there any way to get dividend adjusted data? Something like the 10,000 usd reinvested one can get using the eikon desktop app would be enough if EOD data is available. This is a major problem for me. Is there any…
Hello team, We are looking to fetch the price data for BTCUSD=R and ETHUSD=R, but we can only see the RIC for USDBTC=R and not even for USDETH=R. RIC for BTC or ETH/other currency pairs are available, such as ETHEUR=R, ETHAUD=R and BTCEUR=R, BTCGBP=R. USD seems to be an exception. Is Refinitiv planning to add support for…
I use Python to download tick data via submitting HTTP requests. My question is about the pricing and how Refinitiv charges on-demand tick download requests: Would the cost occur every time a new token or job ID is generated? Or during a subscription period, unlimited number of downloads can be performed, without any…
I'd like to ask if Refinitiv has daily prices of IFO/MGO (maritime fuel) at the Brazilian ports. And if positive, if there is an API available to collect this data to our systems.
What is the difference bwtween "RIC" and "Primary Trading RIC"?
...are not extracted it happened many times this month that the end of day prices for all equities in the U.S. Market are not extracted through APIs.
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