Template open positions
Is there a template made by refinitiv to keep an eye on my open positions ? Even better if it is made for commodities (especially for spread trading) Thank you in advance
IRS Template Definitions in Instrument Pricing Analytics
Hey. I am looking for a way to download the templates available in the Instrument Pricing Analytics api. For example. I want to know the definition of: CNY_QM7R . As well as definitions of standard templates for other currencies. My use case is then to modify them slightly and make additional requests. Is there such an API…
REST API for daily currency conversion rates
Where is the list of all standard templates available? I am looking for appropriate template and REST API available for daily currency conversion rates.Do we have any suitable template and REST API available for this? Presently I have got REST API as -…
How can I get the templates' headers using the C# toolkit?
Hello, I wonder how can I get the templates' headers?(could they be "Content fields"?) using the .NET SDK. From the web I can see them: Thanks for advance, Maxi.
Call for the templates of API response. Empty json arrays
Hello, We faced with the issue. Responses to the API calls "SEQ-screen-sync-individual: Perform Synchronous Screening: Individual", "SEQ-screen-sync-organisation: Perform Synchronous Screening: Organisation", "SEQ-case-create-vessel: Save a case: Vessel" all time is empty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _…
Best Template for Option/Futures reference data
Hi, I am dealing with reference data for options and futures and wanted to know, which template is the preferred one to use: - HistoricalReferenceExtractionRequest - TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest Both are covering fields I am interested in, like Expiration Date - Strike Price - Put Call Flag. This is a daily job,…
VBA - Open Eikon Quote App Window and change template
Hi, I'm using "reuters://REALTIME/verb=FullQuote/ric=" to open a Quote App Window from Excel (in order to make a screenshot) My questions are : 1. I wonder how I can change the default Template applied to this quote app (directly in the Reuters:// command or through a parameter in Eikon) 2. I did not find any information…
Why does i get the blank response while getting case template by group id which i created?
I have created Group and using the id of the group i tried to fetch the Case Template. But i am getting blank response in pilot environment. I have created 2 custom fields as well. But still the response is same. What does i am missing?
create a end of day template by REST API
I want to create a end of day template, my code as below: JSONOrderedObject TAndCTemplateJSONObject = new JSONOrderedObject() .put("@odata.type","#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates.ElektronTimeseriesReportTemplate") .put("ShowColumnHeaders", false) .put("Name", reportTemplateName) .put("Headers", new…
For schedule extraction, is it possible to create a template (or is there a standard template ?) ...
For schedule extraction, is it possible to create a template (or is there a standard template ?) which will generate the data file in exact same format as the VBD files?
What is a TRTH template ?
Can you please explain what is meant by a template ? The concept is not very clear.
instrument list / template / schedule | GUI vs API
Hi, To schedule an extraction, we have to - create an instrument list to define the scope - create template to define the result format. same action on both GUI and API. I would like to know if it's possible to crate a template in GUI, and then use it in API mode? Thanks in advance for your answer. David LY. ( java user )
Do case templates change for different groups?
I managed to get Format of the request which will be used to send requests. However, do case templates change for different groups?
Does record matching support website?
For /match the default example you show suggests that `website` is supported, though none of the examples I can find in the documentation actually show it being used. Is it supported, if so what is the format as any test I try with a website fails? LocalID,Standard…
How to add content fields to Legal Entity Details report template in Java
I am able to create Legal Audit Detail report template but getting error while adding content fields to it .I am using java ,could anyone help.