Memory usage of instrument metadata cache (InstrumentMeta object)
Our thick client desktop application provides a tool similar to Workspace Monitor, where our users can open a list of instruments with specific fields to monitor. Sometimes that list can be fairly large, up to 500 instruments. In profiling the memory usage in our desktop application we noticed that a large portion of the…
Running out of memory while processing large responses - DSS
Hi All, I believe I am not using best practices when processing the response. for ex., chunking, paging, or streaming. Hence my application goes out of memory (breaching 500MB). I would like to get your advice on how to avoid an oom situation by processing the data efficiently. I tried looking at the examples on pages:…
EMA Java: "channel out of buffers errorId=-4" error with over 3,000 RICs
Hi, I'm using EMA Java from Scala 2.11. I `registerClient()` 3,558 RICs at once by the following code: val client = new MyClient() // sub-class of OmmConsumerClient val rics = List("/1418.T", ...) // Ordinary stocks in Tokyo Stock Exchange, whose length is 3558 rics.map { ric =>…
EMA Batch snapsoot with potential memmory leak
Hi, this is my code : instrumentsInQuestion.forEach(instrument -> arrayI.add(EmaFactory.createOmmArrayEntry().codeState().ascii(instrument.getRootSymbol()))); arrayView.add(EmaFactory.createOmmArrayEntry().intValue(1)); batchView.add(EmaFactory.createElementEntry().array(EmaRdm.ENAME_BATCH_ITEM_LIST, arrayI));…
callback RefreshMsg/UpdateMsg size
Hell, everyone, is there any method to know the size of RefreshMsg or UpdateMsg object ? Currently in onRefreshMsg & onUpdateMsg, I will create a new object using new operator and push back into an internal queue that has no size limit that will be popped by a decoder thread for processing. But on market open time, the…
EMA OmmConsumer memory leak in C++ API?
We need to switch between hosts in case of unavailability. To do this, we recreate OmmConsumer with new settings (only one OmmConsumer exists at a time). If all hosts are unavailable, the memory leaks out exponentially during 30 attempts, which leads to the process crash. It is empirically established that the memory leak…
Excessive memory usage when using RFA8 libraries
We are using RFA8 libraries to connect to Reuters. We have observed that the memory utilization of our service has increased and it is gradually increasing daily whenever we access reuters. Seems a memory leak with RFA8. Please advise as we are afraid that our service might crash anytime due to OutOfMemoryException
OmmServerBaseImpl::uninitialize() accesses variable "_pRsslServer" after calling rsslUninitialize...
OmmServerBaseImpl::uninitialize() accesses variable "_pRsslServer" after calling rsslUninitialize(), so that free'd memory is accessed.
RFA .NET excessive memory usage when subscribing to thousands of RIC codes
We are currently using RFA.NET 8.1.0 and we are seeing a drastic increase in our memory usage while subscribing to around thousands RICs. We've attempted to reduce the memory usage by making use of Dynamic Views to reduce the number of Field Entries we get back and we've moved our processing logic out of the ProcessEvent()…
Java out of memory error in batch application
Dear sir, We are using one EMA consumer batch application to collect markets, stocks etc. After a while, application breaks and it is mostly doing so when the whole markets are open. It is retaining heap memory up to 3GB. We have already increased the java max heap size to 4GB. The class holding the heap is…
EMA OmmConsumer memory leak in Java API?
In our application we often need to do ad-hoc snapshot data queries. For that we create OmmConsumerConfig, read dictionary file (from local filesystem), pass config to w newly created OmmConsumer, then use consumer to subscribe for data, collect it, then unregister the handler. Finally we uninitialize() the consumer and…
We found that there is certain amount of memory leakage occurring in price server application. On...
... using Visual Leak Detector, it is found that most of them is caused from the Elektron API. Do you have any workaround for the memory leaks? mem-leak.txt
Unable to get rid of garbage
I'm trying to download loads of snapshots, but after that's done I can't seem to clean up my apps memory. When looking into this with a memory analyzer, I see that all references to 'com.reuters.rfa.internal.session.omm.OMMSubReqMsg' are kept in memory. Can this be because of the internal watchlist? And if so, is there any…
Using the RFAJ 8.0 API - is there anything specific that needs to be done to kill a connection to...
... RSSLConnection outside of the Application Cleanup steps such as unregisterClient, destroyConsumer/Queue, cleanup? I have a memory leak in my application due to the RSSLConnection connection retaining references to by objects even after I have destroyed the eventqueue and the consumer and released the session via the…
Memory leak using Reuters RFA7.4.1.L1.win
What appears to be a memory leak using Reuters RFA7.4.1.L1.win. The issue can be duplicated using the StarterConsumer Example program. We used the VS100_Shared project. We are using RSSL. We set the \itemList configuration parameter in the StarterConsumer.cfg file to a list of actively traded instruments: \itemList =…