RFA Jar upgrade from version 5.2 to 8.2 for JAVA technology/API
Dear Refinitiv Support Team, Our project java base application currently uses RFA version 5.2, which has now become outdated. At the client’s request, we are in the process of upgrading to RFA version 8.2. Given that our application was originally built on the Market Data Layer interface, we are encountering challenges…
Testserver replay
Hello! Could you please help me with testserver tool (3.5.3.L1)? I'm trying to use testserver to replay binary file recorded by testclient. I refered to https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/quick-start-guide-recording-and-playback-refinitiv-real-time-data#Instrument, but it seem that's not quite I really…
OmmProvider to flag expired RICs or temporary issues with existing RICs.
Hi, I need help on how to publish messages that a RIC has either expired or it is currently stale/temporary issue over your Transport API. Something like below by example: domain:MarketPrice streamstate:Closed datastate:Suspect statuscode:NotFound statustext:**The record could not be found Kind regards, Johan
Encoding String into OMM Type in RTSDK-Java (EMA)
I'm encoding my payload into a OMM Message. The old RFA had a utility function in the `OMMEncoder` class, where one could pass a value as `String` and an `OMMType`: String fvalue = field.getValue(); FidDef fidDef = fieldDict.getFidDef(fname); encoder.encodeString(fvalue, fidDef.getOMMType()); The encoder encoded the string…
Unhandled Exception: ThomsonReuters.RFA.Common.InvalidUsageException for OMMConsumer::UnregisterC...
...lient We are facing occasional crash in process using RFA API. and log says: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rfa::common::InvalidUsageExceptionImpl' From https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/25948/unhandled-exception-thomsonreutersrfacommoninvalid.html I understood the way to get extra…
Hi, I'm using the RFA Provider to publish data into TREP At some point we stop sending some data and have a listener registered with the OMM_CMD_ERROR_EVENT Please can someone explain the difference between OMM_CMD_ERROR_EVENT and PUB_ERROR_EVENT? Do we need both to detect loss of data that we were attempting to publish?…
"Failed to open OMM stream" while trying to query RIC
Hi, I'm trying to do a simple query of a given RIC (USOILC=ECI) using the C# WebSocket API. Unfortunately, every time I try and open a stream for the RIC, I end up with this error: Stream error: 1/31/2023 8:43:47 AM: => { "Error": "Failed to open OMM stream - streaming services are unavailable. Verify log details and…
About OMM Viewer
Hi, Right now we are using OMM Viewer for querying LPC server. Is OMM Viewer going to be over by end of this year? What is an alternative?
Failure on OMM stream: Malformed JSON received during token refresh: '{"error":"server_error" ,"...
...error_description":"Request "xxxxxx-yyyyy-zzzz-tttt-sssssssss" has failed on backend call timeout" } '. Status code: 500 Hi Community members. I really appreciate your support, sorry if this question is to direct, I wish to clarify I don't actually know if it is a bug on Refinitiv Server Backend side, just searching for…
continuing question 97398 ommstreaming-pricing-012-received-a-closing-messag (I cant add a commen...
...t there) Hi Wasin.w I took your recommendation and upgraded to 1.0.0b20, Error call-back is not launched when stream halt. on my code self.current_rd_session = rd.open_session() self.theWebSocket = rd.content.pricing.Definition([ 'HTEc...,'CHFUSD=R'], fields=['BID', 'ASK', 'QUOTIM', 'QUOTIM_MS',....]).get_stream()…
Do We need to handle rfa::message::RespMsg::ClearCacheFlag in LL2 MBP domain?
We are using RFA 8.1 C++ API to consume depth data using LL2 MBP (MP domain). Do We need to handle rfa::message::RespMsg::ClearCacheFlag in LL2 MBP domain? It is marked as optional in documentation [RDMUsageGuide]. But we are facing some issue with the levels we receive, we doubt that we are not handling some instruction…
EMA OMMConsumer - channel out of buffers
Hi, after subscribing to a symbol list with around 1600 symbols I subscribe to those symbols individually. I start receiving updates to individual symbols but after a short period of time (10s or so) i get below exception: 2017-03-22 08:02:10,948 [pool-3-thread-1] ERROR com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl -…
How to make OmmConsumerClient recover from Open / Suspect / None state
hey, I consume RICs from TREP using this way: ReqMsg reqMsg = EmaFactory.createReqMsg().serviceName(serviceName).name(ric); long streamId = consumer.registerClient(reqMsg, new Client(...)); class Client implements OmmConsumerClient { @Override public void onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg msg, OmmConsumerEvent consumerEvent) { // do…
Continuing question 93989 ommstreaming-pricing-012-received-a-closing-messag (I cant add a commen...
...t there) hi Jirapongse I asked a question in the past "[OMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.12] received a closing message (cxn state=StreamCxnState.Connected, message state={'Stream': 'Closed', 'Data': 'Suspect', 'Code': 'UserAccessToAppDenied', 'Text': 'TREP authentication failed (1026, Request for token validatio" Jirapongse sent…