query symbol through ELEKTRON_DD service is not stable
when I query symbol through ELEKTRON_DD service in my server, one minute it works, the next it doesn't the error details as following
ADS service name
Hello, We had an incident with a client recently about an ADS service name. And we have now a question : what are all possible values for a service name ? Is there some special characters allowed ? Basically what is the technical type that is used to store the service name ? Thanks,
Python websocket api posting RTDS ADH
Hi we are trying to post data to our internal RTDS infrastructure using Python API. Our Infra team has created service (TEST_POST_SVC) to publish data on RTDS. I am using example mentioned in this link https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/contributing-data-trep-using-websocket-api#Start I able to…
EMA AWS endpoints and ports in service discovery and session management
3 questions, for the RTO / Real-Time in the Cloud, in the scenario of network firewall, 1. Can we make assumption the following AWS endpoints will not be changed? and there will be a PCN notification sent out if those endpoints will be changed by plan? 2. To subscribe the CME (Chicago) data, and the application basically…
Not able to understand fields meaning what they are representing
I am calling this webservice "http://api.trkd.thomsonreuters.com/api/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.svc/REST/Fundamentals_1/GetRatiosReports_1" and Getting response. But response has lots of field in different different category. I am not able to understand exact mean of fields, which i am getting in response. For eg in Ratios…
order of source directory updates and handling them correctly
tr.txtI am making the following request using rmdsTestClient against sink_driven_source + ADS combination as provider: ./rmdstestclient -S hEDD -ct rssl -p 14001 -itemList IBM,AAPL.O,MSFT.O -X -l stdout I received response for the symbols with groupID 1 and 2. Then I killed sink_driven_source to simulate service down or…
handling if Capabilities not available in Source Directory Info filter response
How should a consumer handle if a Source Directory Info filter response indicates that a domain the consumer interested is not available at initialization? Should the service be considered not available? Is it possible that capability of a service change at runtime as an update payload such as a domain is no longer…
Message encoding error in IProvider
I’m developing Interactive Publisher using Elektron SDK v1.2.0. And I have multiple Services in EmaConfig.xml which are used to publish data and when the number of services is 5 or less everything works fine. All services on the list are identical except the Name and ServiceId fields which differ. But adding 6th Service to…
Run API code from service
Hi all, When I run the API code from service, the redi+ application disconnected and it seems that the Redi API blocked that access. Please advice, Yakir Orcom
We have multiple elektron services running on a given host (delayed, non-delayed, etc.). How do I...
We have multiple elektron services running on a given host (delayed, non-delayed, etc.). How do I specify which service the websocket connection will use?
How can I retrieve service directory information from EMA?
While EMA markets itself as being something easier to use, what if I'm interested in acquiring the list of services available within my ADS Server? For example, previously with the lower level APIs, RFA, UPA, etc, I was required to go through a basic sequence of steps where I connect, login, retrieve the directory of…
How to prevent downloading RWFTEST1
dsystemdesktopando新しいフォルター.zip We are trying to get feedname=hEDD through RTBS, and at the same time this starts to get RWFTEST1. However, we don't need this RWFTEST1 and prevent downloading because this downloading results in error. Can we skip or prevent downloading this RWFTEST1? Please let us know how to. Please see…
The WebSocket API documentation test environment ignores "ServiceId"
I'm testing against an ADS that has multiple services available to request for market data using the WebSocket API. Logging in, requesting for data, etc, the API defines you can specify the "ServiceId". While I am able to do this programmatically, this capability doesn't seem to work when using the testing interfaces…
RFA configuration parameters: service; rsslPort; hostName?
Hi, please help me if you can. What should I insert into the next RFA conf parameters to be able to retrieve the Reuters Real-Time Marke Data?: \service = "DIRECT_FEED" ? \Connections\Connection_RSSL\rsslPort = "14002" ? \Connections\Connection_RSSL\hostName = "10.67. 4.28" ? Thanks in advance.
What kind of Status will send back by RFA ? If service get down ?
Hi Sir If APP connect to Elektron via ServiceName= Elektron_DD, for some reason the service is down ( phisical connection is still OK) , what kind of status message will be sent from RFA to APP ? for instance , something like: disconnectServiceDown.