Getting out of buffer exception due to slow consumer (EMA C++ OMM API)
I'm building a interactive provider (EMA C++ OMM API) for streaming the market data to different downstream applications, which are Refinitiv Consumer, through TCP socket. I'm testing the scenario that how my provider behaves when I have very slow consumer connect to it. I found that the provider will throw an out of…
EMA OMMConsumer - channel out of buffers
Hi, after subscribing to a symbol list with around 1600 symbols I subscribe to those symbols individually. I start receiving updates to individual symbols but after a short period of time (10s or so) i get below exception: 2017-03-22 08:02:10,948 [pool-3-thread-1] ERROR com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl -…
RFA C++ buffer settings
Hello Team, We have RFA C++ ver. 7.x application subscribing to 10K RICs. Several times during the market hours the application logs misses updates due to buffer overflow (logged internally by the application). Are the below [numOutputBuffers] setting enough for high volume data updates? What other parameters can be tuned…
Value of configuration parameter "SysSendBufSize" in EmaConfig.xml differs from ChannelInformation
Hello. I have an interactive provider. When the default is used and a consumer connects, the toString() method in the 'ChannelInformation' tells me: system send buffer size: 131070 However, when I add <SysSendBufSize value="1000"/> to the <Server> element in EmaConfig.xml, I get from the ChannelInformation of a connecting…
sink_driven_src : error RSSL_RET_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL when loading XML dictionary
We are using rmdstestserver to capture data and have added in -ddict to write the data dictionary to the captured data file as XML. When loading up this data file into sink_driven_src the following error occurs Initialized RSSL library. Failed: rsslEncodeElementEntry ,return value = "RSSL_RET_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: Failure: The…
Java TREP UPA API - Choosing an Optimal Buffer SIze
Hi, my application is using the Java UPA API and requesting data from RWF. I have a large subscription list (~400k) and request data in batches of 2048. I have noticed that with such a large list of subscription, the subscription requests drop some symbols in random every time and end up subscribing to a lesser number of…
OMM Provider settings to avoid RSSL buffer failures
We have a high throughput provider application that from time to time disconnects after an OMM Error "Attempt to get rssl buffer failed" is triggered. From what we understand, this can occur when there are issues sending data between the provider and the ADH (network blip, capacity issues, ...). We increased…
Parameter to configure TCP receive buffer for RFA Java SSL connection
Hi, What is the config parameter to set TCP receive buffer size for RFA Java SSL connection?
Buffer owerflow when Running RFA7 and contributing RICS (SSL)
When contributing RIC:s to the feed I'm running into buffer owerflow. I do not know how to adjust this - is it possible and is if any configuration parameter for my RFA libraries (rfa_registry.xml or property config) or any settings in the AHD/AHS required to chance to increase the buffers. The problem is intermittent and…
MessageBuffer.h - binary '<<': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const ...
...V' (or there is no acceptable conversion) Having a pretty basic build issue, albeit a blocking one, with my RFA Client Application in C++ with Visual Studio 2017 and with the included RFA library version rfa8.1.0.L1 Has anyone come across the following? The main source of error is the file messagebuffer.h which is…
MRN TRNA message buffer size
Many times, in a single fragment message, the expected size (fid="32480" name="TOT_SIZE") has smaller value than buffer size (fid="32641" name="FRAGMENT"), is it normal? where fieldEntry is a FieldEntry object with fid 32641. ntaBuffer = fieldEntry.buffer().bufer().array(); example Expected total buffer size: 1457 current…
JRFA objects not garbage collected?
When running a server side app with 1000+ subscriptions, profiling from VisualVM shows that number of instances of some internal objects for eg com.reuters.rfa.internal.rwf.RwfTypedBuffer keep increasing (into millions) and don't get garbage collected for some reason. We're trying out a few scenarios with larger Java heap…
RSSL buffer failed
Has anyone come across this error ? It appears every time when traffic volume is high, RFA got disconnected and got this error. Any hint to indicate what might be the issue ? INFO (FA_LOG) Publisher 0: OMM error event received: Attempt to get rssl buffer failed! Please check log for details. Client session could have…
Adjust Buffer size when encoding a message
Hello When encoding a message using the rssl functions, often the size of the resulting message is unknown so at the start a big buffer needs to be created (sometimes way larger than the resulting message size). Is there a clean way of creating a buffer and then making it bigger if it is not large enough? Thanks
How to use a pre-encoded ElementList in a message Payload?
I have entire ElementList pre-encoded in a buffer. How that buffer should be used to populate the list in a message payload? RsslBuffer listBuffer; // a buffer with encoded element list in it, 160 bytes RsslElementList list; rsslClearElementList(&list); list.flags = RSSL_ELF_HAS_STANDARD_DATA; list.encEntries =…