Update WC Hits Status Back To Unresolved In WC1
Good day, Refinitiv, I want to check, in the WC1 web application, is there any way we can update a "Resolved" hit back to "Unresolved"? So that we can see it will fall under the "Mandatory Action" queue for the next follow-up action. Thanks.
StatusMsg: A46: Item was reopened under new stream
Hi, I do a registerClient on a consumer that is accepted correctly. Then I receive the RefreshMsg with some data. After I receive the RefreshMsg I receive a StatusMsg with state="Closed / Suspect / Already open / '*A46: Item was reopened under new stream.'" : StatusMsg streamId="5" domain="MarketPrice Domain" state="Closed…
Tradin Status Websocket API
Exists any documentation about how to determine the trading status based on fields received via Websocket API? If not, exists any docuemntaion about the field values for MKT_STATUS field?, I have reviewed enumtype.def file but it was not listed there (maybe because that file is for ETA) I have also check that field…
Unexpected status message received after subscribing to market data
Hello, We are working on a Java application from scratch that connects to Refinitiv / LSEG Workspace Websocket API and subscribes to market data. While testing it, we noticed the following unexpected status message:…
Status messages Documentation
Hello Team, Can I have a documentation on different status messages ? Example of the messages: StatusMsg streamId="5" domain="MarketPrice Domain" state="Open / Suspect / None / 'Service not available'" name="IBM.N" serviceName="DIRECT_FEED" StatusMsgEnd StatusMsg streamId="1" domain="Login Domain" state="Closed / Suspect /…
How would I get a trading state of a book?
Hi all, I am using `TRTH`s Historical Market Depth API endpoint to retrieve some depth information about ES options, but I would like to know whether the quotes are in OPEN, CLOSED or AUCTION trading state for example. Is that possible and how would one get that information? Cheers
DSS - Matured or Called Bonds
When a bond matures – I know not to ask for EOD data again as there is a maturity_date on the security. But when a bond is called (where no specific date is available) How to do I know to stop asking for EOD data on it (datascope api) – it just starts returning no data rather than something indicating it was called?
Reason for "Item stream closed for item:" and how to handle it?
On 20220511, we got "Item stream closed for item:" reject for about 785 RICs. Please find attached file for the list of RICs. Also 20220511, was not a trading holiday for RICs we have got the reject for. What is the reason for this reject? How should we handle it? Thanks. ItemStreamErrorRics.txt
Looking for documentation on how I can decide the data dictionary. Ex: Stock status(open/close/ha...
...lted/etc) from feed We are using c++, I’m looking for documentation on how I can decide the data dictionary. For example how do I get stock status(open/close/halted/etc) from feed
How many status and urls to access ?
Hello, I noticed that there are 2 categories of status : PEP Status and Special Interest Categories. My first question is : Is there more than 2 status ? My second question is : to get the Pep status, we have to add /PEP to the url end point. what is the end point for SIC ? and if there is other status, can you give me the…
No acknowledge status message for single item request, but works for batch request
For batch request, there will be an acknowledge status message: StatusMsg streamId="5" domain="MarketPrice Domain" state="Closed / Ok / None / 'Batch request acknowledged.'" StatusMsgEnd However, for the normal single item request, there will be no such acknowledge status message. Is that the case? and the reason? or some…
It has never cost me so much to implement an API, Refinitiv has bad service, bad support, no explanation. We started with Postman, we developed in PHP and it did not work, 401 error in all queries, advice from the developers and zero solution, we had to change language to NODE JS, it worked at first but now we are back to…
EMA Java - What triggers StatusMsg without state
Hi, When subscribing to a stream, StatusMsg almost always comes with a state. I've just come across a message that didn't have a state (StatusMsg.hasState() is false). How and why are they triggered and how should they be handled? Does the lack of state mean that there're no state changes, e.g. if stream and data state…
Error 202 with TickHistoryTimeAndSalesExtractionRequest
Hi, I don't understand why I get a 202 error with the following code: body = json.dumps({ "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryTimeAndSalesExtractionRequest", "ContentFieldNames": list_trade_fields, "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type":…
What could cause intermittent "Failed to make subscription" StatusMsg
Hi, I'm using ema-, sometimes I get "Failed to make subscription" StatusMsg with DataState.SUSPECT data state when subscribing to instruments, the instruments seem fine as subscribing again would work fine although sometimes a few more tries are needed. So if I subscribe/unsubscribe to some instruments…