Manual Screening match resolution - How to get notified?
Hi all, will be using the world check one API to help with an onboarding process we are building. Our compliance team already uses Refinitiv UI and our new implementation will be a hybrid approach whereby we will use the API to create a screening case use manual Screening match resolution on the UI. The problem we have is…
Enhancing API Endpoint: Obtain Categorized Resolution Status in Aggregated Summary
Hi Team I hope you're doing well. I have a question about the API endpoint cases/{{case-system-id}}?aggregatedSummary=true. Upon activating the parameter ?aggregatedSummary=true, I understand that we receive a comprehensive summary of results including metrics such as TotalMatches, Unresolved, and MandatoryActions.…
Unauthorized error encountered when using cases/"+ caseId + "?aggregatedSummary=true in httpClient
Hi team, I have a requirement to fetch case details by case ID. Initially, I successfully received a response using cases/{caseId} via C# httpClient. However, I also require the aggregated summary. According to the documentation and Postman collection, I attempted to pass cases/"+ caseId + "?aggregatedSummary=true, but…
World Check - distinguishing "false" cases
Cases that appear as "false" in World-Check GUI, I want to identify them in the response of https://developers.lseg.com/content/dam/devportal/en_us/product-docs/wc1-api/documentation/v2/schema-reference/wc1-api-schema-reference-documentation.html#tag/zfs/operation/screen. ->…
Patch case by caseSystemId vs Request full screening for an existing case
In the documentation we can see that it is possible to use the endpoint to do a partial update given a caseSystemId, this endpoint allows us to send an empty body and the parameter screen=SYNC, which will execute a re-screning synchronously without doing a updating the fields. The result of this endpoint is similar to…
How to pass address (country/state/city/street ) when creating a screening case for organization?
How to pass address (country/state/city/street ) when creating a screening case for organization?
Cases Update
I'm near to finishing the implementation of the world check integration, my question is: let's suppose I search and create a case looking for a company called 'ABC', inside this case we have 5 records, but I flag all as false/negative matches because it is not who I'm looking for; is there any internal job in world check…
401 Authorization error only with POST method to World Check API
I can call any GET method on the Refinitiv World Check API and everything is signed and works okay but when I try to POST a Case, I get a 401 error. It works fine from Postman using my key and secret but my C# code doesn't. I have tried replacing the JSON content just with "{}" but it seems to be the authorisation failing…
Refinitive's API to create a case-ID and Ability of Refinitive to call external API and share the...
... results I have a use case where I would like to screen a user and return the results including a case Id which can later be used to resolve the results and the API can again query to get details of the sanctions screening. From the documentation, there seem to be multiple APIs and I would to know which to use that can…
Can we use User defined caseId in worldCHeckOne API for new case generation?
Is caseSystemId constant for same case? or does it changes like case id?
Questions about cases/ongoingScreeningUpdates
I added some Cases to the tab Cases Manager, now I'm waiting to see if I'm going to receive any notification. I flagged all cases as ongoing = true and I configured it to run the notification daily, is there something more that I need to do? And what exactly defines the endpoint ongoingScreeningUpdates should return to me…
Error HTTP 401 and duplicate cases
Hi, I'm sorry if my english is not very good. We often get an http 401 error when calling https://api-worldcheck.refinitiv.com/v2/cases/saveAndScreen, and sometimes we also get duplicates of caseID (but there is no duplicate call) We use Spring batch and chunk management (sort of paging/batch). We tested our treatments in…
What's the difference in use of nationality codes and country codes in World-Check One API?
It's possible to query ISO nationality codes and ISO country codes from World-Check One API. As far as I can tell from the API docs, when some data is related to a country it specifies it in a Country object (with code and name). Is it safe to assume that all these Country objects will have an ISO country code inside and…
Is there any way to get the match score value "That related to match strength" for each result w...
...hen calling screening case results ? I'm using World Check One API , the development language is C# , The problem is when I make screening results request to exist case the match results return as a bulk , suppose I want to take one result from this bulk and reflect it to object class the "match score" field is missing…
Hyperlink to case by id
Hello, We are creating a new case using the API. We would like to display a hyperlink for the compliance admin that redirects him from our system to WC1 portal and directly to the newly created case. Is there a case hyperlink format that we can follow? Thanks!