Error using Datastream in R
addpkg('DatastreamDSWS2R', '1.9.7') library("DatastreamDSWS2R") options(Datastream.Username = " ZXXX000") options(Datastream.Password = " PASSWORD123") mydsws <- dsws$new() Error in rjson::fromJSON(myTokenResponse) : no data to parse
R code Authentication for RDP API
I have a cleint hwo is using R code to login using his machine ID. When I use Postman and Python, I am able to use the same password success fully to authenticate but when the cleint uses it on his side it gves him Invalid Username or Password error. I did get similar error initially after setting the cleint password but…
Error: Error in 1:nrow(input_data_frame) : argument of length 0 while using get_timeseries
Hi, I am getting the above addressed error while running the get_timeseries. It is not a consistent error, sometimes it appear and sometimes it does not NCLData <- get_timeseries(list(paste0(CFTCRICS[i],"NLNG")),start_date = paste(floor_date(Sys.Date() - years(14), "year"),"T00:00:00",sep = ""),end_date =…
Beta Expression in R via Datastream API
Hi, I am trying to run an expression in r using the DatasteamDSWS2R package. I have be able to get a more simple expression working, but for what ever reason the formula supplied is not generating any data. mydsws$timeSeriesRequest( instrument = 'A:BHPX' expression =…
Retrieving historical constituent data using R
Hi Team, we have a client that is trying to retrieve historical data using R with the following code: get_data('0#.KLSE(2018-01-01)', list('TR.InstrumentName', 'TR.CompanyMarketCap(ShType=OUT)')) but they are not able to retrieve it. Client said they were able to retrieve this previously with the below image similar…
announcement: updated version of eikonapir R package
This is not a question but more of an announcement. I wanted to inform you that I have updated the eikon api for R after forking the github repository at <https://github.com/ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir>. Here is the updated code in github: https://github.com/philaris/eikonapir Among other things, I have updated the R API to…
List of stocks in an exchange via DSWS
Hi, how can I get a list of all stocks in an exchange (e.g. NYSE) via R DSWS API (even better if via R package DatastreamDSWS2R). What I am trying to get is the something analogous to what one would get via DFO's Navigator, pulling a list of stocks in an exchange, with a given set of filters (e.g. active, major, geographic…
check quota usage using R package DatastreamDSWS
hi, how can I check quota usage using R package DatastreamDSWS? I tried the following but I get NA mydsws <- dsws$new() myData <- mydsws$snapshotRequest(instrument = c("STATS"), datatype = c("DS.USERSTATS"), requestDate = "0D") thanks
Extracting data from Datastream R API using Sedol
Hi, I am using an R API call to extract historic returns from the datastream API from a dataframe of Sedols and Dates. The API call works perfectly for ISIN's however for this dataset I only have Sedols. I have noticed that the call only works on numeric Sedols and not alpha numeric Sedols. I don't have a country code so…
robfilter and visualization of smoothed curve
Hi everyone. I am using the robust filter with time series data. In my example I use the following time series data (boston): install.packages("fma")library(fma)install.packages("robfilter")library(robfilter)bank <- as.data.frame(boston)series1 <- bank$nyase series2 <- bank$bsebank.rf1 <-…
Generate historical adjusted closing prices in R
Hi, I am using the R package to pull data and would like to pull historical data fields for specified dates like adjusted closing prices and volumes. I have tried: get_timeseries(list("MSFT.O","VOD.L","IBM.N"),list("*"),"2016-01-01T15:04:05","2016-01-10T15:04:05","daily") and included the TR.PriceClose field but it fails.…
Error when trying to pull Datastream time series in R
@Shadab Hussain @chavalit_jintamalit Here's the code tkrs <- tkrTbl[which(tkrTbl$Field=="A12PE"),"RawTicker"] datatype <- c("A12PE") x.period <- "D" mydsws <- dsws$new() data <- mydsws$timeSeriesRequest(tkrs[1], datatype, startDate = DSStDate, endDate = eDate, frequency = x.period) Error snippet:
mapping from RIC to PermID.
I got two questions in order to get ESG combined scores by use a RIC code. 1. which filed I can use to mapping from RIC to PermID in the ESG Bulk Symbology and company reference data 2. if I have the PermID, whick filed I can query to get this company's combined ESG scores. Thanks
R compatibility with eikon api
How can I use eikonapir (or any other way) to retrieve data from eikon/refinitiv from my RStudio session that runs on a Unix server? Any help is appreciated
RDP asyncio.gather / HistoricalPricing.get_summaries_async / Dynamic tasks
Hello, It seems rdp.HistoricalPricing.get_summaries_async function supports single universe. I am looking for dynamically requesting multiple universes using it. Can I find sample code in Python?