Receiving 0 indicative to indicate blank price but isBlank is not set
We have encountered some exchanges which send a zero indicative to indicate a blank price but the isBlank field in the RsslReal struct is not being set true. This makes it difficult to determine whether a zero indicative price is a true 0 or a blank without having a manual hard-coded condition for each market to indicate…
Change default EMA timeout programmatically ?
it seems the default timeout for EMA Java is 45000 milliseconds, is it possible to change that programmatically? I did not find anything in OmmConsumerConfig about that. I am not using EmaConfig.xml and i am creating my OmmConsumer like that: OmmConsumerConfig config = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig(); consumer =…
StatusMsg: A46: Item was reopened under new stream
Hi, I do a registerClient on a consumer that is accepted correctly. Then I receive the RefreshMsg with some data. After I receive the RefreshMsg I receive a StatusMsg with state="Closed / Suspect / Already open / '*A46: Item was reopened under new stream.'" : StatusMsg streamId="5" domain="MarketPrice Domain" state="Closed…
What is the source of the KOSPI ELIGBL_TRD field
For the Korea stock exchange, the KOSPI market and for equities, there is a field "ELIGBL_TRD" (FID: 12840) that reports whether the last trade can populate the open etc. What is the source of this field? Does it originate from the exchange, or is it a refinitiv enriched field based on another one, and if so what is the…
Data Streaming - Auto logout ("Login stream was closed.")
Hi, I am trying to streaming data via EMA. However, I got "Login stream was closed." warning message after receiving several messages. May I know how can I keep connected and keep streaming data. Thanks. Regards, Jun
Getting -> Error text Error initializing channel: errorId=-1 text=Error occurred during connectio...
...n process. Can you please help me Hi, I receive the below error trying to run example100. Could you please help me? SEVERE com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient reactorChannelEventCallback loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: Received ChannelDown event on channel Channel…
a new question occurs, the data data topActives/topGainers/topLosers are all (blank data), please...
... help me, many thanks when I use the rics .PL.BO .PG.BO .AV.BO to get data, the response data are all blank data, who can help me~
"basicConsumer" "login" "options" help! Python ok. market_price_rdpgw_client_cred_auth.py retriev...
...es prices well. Am having trouble figuring out how to run basicConsumer examples in the EMAJ tutorial. Unlike python. With the python client market_price_rdpgw_client_cred_auth.py I can retrieve prices: python3 ./M_market_price_rdpgw_client_cred_auth.py --clientid 12-34-56 --clientsecret 1234-5678 --hostname…
save on_message data
I am working on the websocket python example: https://github.com/Refinitiv/websocket-api/tree/master/Applications/Examples/EDP/python I am running the websocket app. I am able to successfully get the response back and close the socket. I need to collect all the responses while the socket is running and pass the data to…
CLOSED Suspect UsageError
Hi, Today we came across the message CLOSED Suspect UsageError Here is the full log Nov 17 05:05:12 INFO SGT INFO [2.15.24] [MainActor-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] [com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl] [akka://MainActor/user/AccumulateActor-ccd9f694-46eb-4730-9ab4-b07c5f16cc66/TrccPublishActor] - loggerMsg…
What would cause us to receive Error: 1006?
Here is a log snippet: 2020-10-06 16:20:01.703054 3FE6D720 INFO App.cpp:234: application:"reuterClosing" on domain:"prod" started on host:"hallgat608" with pid:136291 as user:"evavol" cwd:"/data1/eva/log" config_dir:"/opt/eva/etc" config_file:"reuterClosing.cfg" 2020-10-06 16:20:01.871682 3FE6D720 INFO IceEnv.cpp:73: Ice…
chain subsription
How can we differentiate RIC chain and RIC with actual market data. (I am trying to implement one consumer client for Chain decoding and the other client to handle actual data). I am using java ema API to build consumer application. Example chains that i am subscribing (0#/FINRCORPORATE, 0#/FINRAGENCY) And also can you let…
Failover between Encrypted and non-Encrypted ADS using EMA
Is there a way to configure EMA so that it can failover between two ADSs, one with Encryption Enabled and One with Encryption Disabled?
Supported OS for Refinitiv API
The attached file does not mention ”Rocky Linux” and ”Amazon Linux. Do you have any plans to support it?
How to configure EMA 3.3 for RTO?
Hi, My client is using EMA 3.3 currently and has just received the Welcome e-mail for RTO. They have registered the App Name and created the password for RTO. They're now asking where and how to configure these for RTO connection. Thanks if you can help. They're currently using EMA Java 3.3 version. Thnx, Serhat