Performance difference between RealTime SDK C/C++ vs RealTime SDK CSharp
Hi, Is there a place or some kind of documentation regarding what is Ultra performance and what is High performance (what is listed in the detail of each API) ? What is the difference in performance between the 2 API considering they are ran on the same machine ? I am assuming the C/C++ API is faster, but is there a…
What causes "Request Rejected: Cannot request existing view on streamId that is not opened"
Has anyone ever seen this error message? "ERROR MESSAGE: Type :(Status) Closed Completed State: CLOSED StatusCode: 1 Text: "Request Rejected: Cannot request existing view on streamId that is not opened." Info: NOT_FOUND" This is being generated on an application built with eta3.1.0.L1 and connecting to an ADS version…
Getting Module Error
How to fix this issue
How does a UPA server handle duplicate login credentials from different servers?
We have a total of seven different UPA consumer applications each on a different server targeting a handful of different UPA servers. Until recently, we had five of these consumers all targeting the same UPA server (same IP/port configuration). Simply because it has worked historically, and because we did not want to break…
For Real-Time API's connecting to an encrypted ADS/RTC, when is it necessary to create a custom K...
...eystore File? For Real-Time API's connecting to an encrypted ADS/RTC, when is it necessary to create a custom Keystore File? Assuming the ADS/RTC is using a COMODO root certificate, it seems that the default Keystore that is used by the Application should work fine. So under what circumstances is a custom local Keystore…
Help with segfault on rsslEncodeMapComplete after having added map summary data
Hi. I previously had an UPA server for testing that successfully was able to encode the Reuter's Domain Model Market By Price Refresh and Update messages. They were consumed successfully by an rssl consumer. I recently added summary data to the map that is the payload of this message. I didn't change the surrounding code…
Can I use the mechanisms and the APIs that you describe in your responses below, to access marke...
...t-by-order for India equities and futures? Can I use the mechanisms and the APIs that you describe in your responses below, to access market-by-order for India equities and futures? Information Provided below: The RTSDK(ETA and EMA) supports market by order data consume. You must ensure that they request the RIC from…
CMake errors installing RTSDK 2.2.1.L1 for Visual Studio 2022
Hi, I'm having issues installing RTSDK2.2.1.L1 for Visual Studio 2022. Having rebuilt my PC recently, I had the following installed before attempting to install this devkit: * Windows 11 Pro x64 (All the latest updates applied) * Python 3.12.5 * Github desktop 3.4.3 * Cmake 3.30.3 * Visual Studio Enterprise 2019…
ETA Reactor crash with multiple slow consumers
We're using latest available ETA SDK (2.2.1) from github. We have an interactive provider application using ETA Reactor. Normally this is working without any issue. Occasionally we have an apparent network issue that causes several connected clients to not properly handle the RSSL channel (eventually leading to a…
OmmProvider to flag expired RICs or temporary issues with existing RICs.
Hi, I need help on how to publish messages that a RIC has either expired or it is currently stale/temporary issue over your Transport API. Something like below by example: domain:MarketPrice streamstate:Closed datastate:Suspect statuscode:NotFound statustext:**The record could not be found Kind regards, Johan
Extracting SDK Linux 2.2.1 tar file.
Hi, I downloaded the latest Linux SDK version RTSDK-2.2.1.L1.linux. After unzipping I have RTSDK-2.2.1.L1.linux.rrg.tar file on my RH Linux machine. But 'tar' command does not do anything with it. How do I 'untar' it further to extract files? Thanks Vlad.
Where are the javadoc jar's for Real-Time-SDK?
Using Real-Time-SDK-2.1.2.L1 - where are the javadoc files? If they are intentionally omitted, please accept this as a suggestion to include them. Javadoc has been used for documenting Java API's since the early 2000's.
Add RIC-s to batch request ETA
Hello, We are using the ETA C SDK, connected to RTDS to receive real-time data. A batch request is sent to subscribe for certain instruments. (like shown in TransportAPI_C_DevGuide 13.7.4) Closing stream-s is implemented as well. (like shown in TransportAPI_C_DevGuide 13.7.6) Is there any way to "add" RIC-s to an already…
Multiple services with the same name
I'm using the RTS ETA API to build a consumer application. When processing a Directory Refresh/Update is it possible to receive information for services with the same name but different service id's? If there are multiple services with the same name present, how should they be used? Should services be used in a round-robin…
Getting NoClassDefFoundError when trying to create OmmConsumer object
Hi, I am trying to create the OmmConsumer object by providing the EmaConfig parameters, username and Consumer Name. OmmConsumerConfig config = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig(configPath); consumer = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumer(config.consumerName(consumerName).username(userName)); I am getting the below Exception and…