Change default EMA timeout programmatically ?
it seems the default timeout for EMA Java is 45000 milliseconds, is it possible to change that programmatically? I did not find anything in OmmConsumerConfig about that. I am not using EmaConfig.xml and i am creating my OmmConsumer like that: OmmConsumerConfig config = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig(); consumer =…
StatusMsg: A46: Item was reopened under new stream
Hi, I do a registerClient on a consumer that is accepted correctly. Then I receive the RefreshMsg with some data. After I receive the RefreshMsg I receive a StatusMsg with state="Closed / Suspect / Already open / '*A46: Item was reopened under new stream.'" : StatusMsg streamId="5" domain="MarketPrice Domain" state="Closed…
Data Streaming - Auto logout ("Login stream was closed.")
Hi, I am trying to streaming data via EMA. However, I got "Login stream was closed." warning message after receiving several messages. May I know how can I keep connected and keep streaming data. Thanks. Regards, Jun
Getting -> Error text Error initializing channel: errorId=-1 text=Error occurred during connectio...
...n process. Can you please help me Hi, I receive the below error trying to run example100. Could you please help me? SEVERE com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient reactorChannelEventCallback loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: Received ChannelDown event on channel Channel…
What would cause us to receive Error: 1006?
Here is a log snippet: 2020-10-06 16:20:01.703054 3FE6D720 INFO App.cpp:234: application:"reuterClosing" on domain:"prod" started on host:"hallgat608" with pid:136291 as user:"evavol" cwd:"/data1/eva/log" config_dir:"/opt/eva/etc" config_file:"reuterClosing.cfg" 2020-10-06 16:20:01.871682 3FE6D720 INFO IceEnv.cpp:73: Ice…
chain subsription
How can we differentiate RIC chain and RIC with actual market data. (I am trying to implement one consumer client for Chain decoding and the other client to handle actual data). I am using java ema API to build consumer application. Example chains that i am subscribing (0#/FINRCORPORATE, 0#/FINRAGENCY) And also can you let…
How to configure EMA 3.3 for RTO?
Hi, My client is using EMA 3.3 currently and has just received the Welcome e-mail for RTO. They have registered the App Name and created the password for RTO. They're now asking where and how to configure these for RTO connection. Thanks if you can help. They're currently using EMA Java 3.3 version. Thnx, Serhat
How to resolve error: "Error: 1002 Invalid IPC Mount Opcode "
When I tried the Training sample: Cons113, I got the following error: loggerMsg TimeStamp: 20:38:58.209 ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Warning Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_4 Instance Name Consumer_4_1 RsslReactor 0x0x274e3b0 RsslChannel 0x0x271a3c0 Error Id -1 Internal…
empty source refresh message from ads
If we receive an empty “Source Refresh” message from the ADS . Do we receive a “Source Update” message with “Service Down” prior to above . If we don’t receive a “Source” update do we have to set service down for all prior services. client's scenario is different, so as an example let’s say we start the system. The first…
How Can we test the EMA Consumer application
What is the best way to test a EMA consumer check whether the application is working in expected way. Is there test feed that we can access. Or is there any mock up provider (TREP feed simulator) provided with SDK or is there sample code for such mock up provider to test the EMA consumer.
DACS Gateway connection is down
Hi I am using Java EMA API to fetch data from Elektron service. While my program was running, it came across the following error: 22:34:09.492 [pool-4-thread-1] ERROR com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl - loggerMsg ClientName: LoginCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: RDMLogin stream was closed with status…
EMA OMMConsumer - channel out of buffers
Hi, after subscribing to a symbol list with around 1600 symbols I subscribe to those symbols individually. I start receiving updates to individual symbols but after a short period of time (10s or so) i get below exception: 2017-03-22 08:02:10,948 [pool-3-thread-1] ERROR com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl -…
EMA Java: "channel out of buffers errorId=-4" error with over 3,000 RICs
Hi, I'm using EMA Java from Scala 2.11. I `registerClient()` 3,558 RICs at once by the following code: val client = new MyClient() // sub-class of OmmConsumerClient val rics = List("/1418.T", ...) // Ordinary stocks in Tokyo Stock Exchange, whose length is 3558 rics.map { ric =>…
Unable to connect to RCC channel using EMA Consumer
1. Using EMA as gradle dependency implementation group: 'com.refinitiv.ema', name: 'ema', version: '' Java 17, Windows 10 2. I used example from https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time-opnsrc/rt-sdk-java/tutorials#ema-consumer-posting-data-to-contribution-channel Stuck on Establish an…
Hi, Inside OnRefreshMsge() and OnUpdateMsg() I check if item has permission data by calling message.hasPermissionData(). For the same item hasPermissionData() gives me TRUE if i'm inside a Refresh Message and FALSE if i'm inside an Update Message. Is it normal? I'm struggling to understand why? Thank you